Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Tuesday, July 2nd, 2024

Getting Trapped in Taliban’s Tactic

Afghanistan is in conflict, which needs to be brought to an end. This is of complicated nature, with so many elements and interests involved in it. On the part of Afghan government, whose citizens bear the brunt of the war, there is a need for strategic goal to be achieved by effective blueprints and objectives. But unfortunately Afghan government has not been able to deal with this lingering conflict strategically.

Emotions and short-term views continue to rule our authorities' behaviors and actions. Even in its relations with international community, personal interests are the criteria on which the policies are shaped and fashioned.

While it is important for Afghan government to protect its people against intrusive behaviors by international forces operating to stabilize the country, it is also important to ensure a peaceful and prosperous future for the country.

Nowadays, the issue of night raid has come to the surface and force once again to affect the relations and interactions between Afghanistan and international community.
On Sunday, December 18, 2011, President Karzai at National Security Council (NSC) meeting asked the top US and NATO forces commander in Afghanistan, Gen.

John Allen, to prevent foreign forces from raiding Afghan houses during night. President Karzai said, "Nighttime raids are no longer acceptable to the Afghan nation. The Afghanistan government is seriously concerned over the issue."

But a spokesman for the NATO-led forces, Brig. Gen. Carsten Jacobson has said night raids remain the safest form of operations conducted to take insurgent leaders off the battlefield. In reaction to this, the spokesman for the President Karzai, AimalFaizi, stated, "The nighttime raids can hamper the ongoing talks on the US-Afghan strategic deal."

It shows a very short-sighted approach to the conflict and stabilization of the country and moving it to a level at par with peaceful and prosperous nations. By basing the decisions on things that are of just emotional and temporary nature will screw up Afghan people's longing and yearning for peace and stability.

When night raids are an effective way to undermine the atrocious militants that kill innocent people, they should be carried out but with maximum care and caution not to trespass and intrude into the privacy of local communities and not to kill and harm them. By launching this type of hue and cry and sentimentalizing the society, Afghan government is playing by the rules set by the Taliban militants or getting trapped in the tactic employed by Taliban and other insurgent groups.