Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Sunday, June 30th, 2024

Why No One Supports Emirate System in Afghanistan?

Nowadays Afghan people are successively reaffirming their negative position about the emirate system in Afghanistan. Although the current Afghan government has not a strong legitimacy, there is a strong national consensus to support the current government and republic system in Afghanistan. Even, the opposition of the government supports the republic system; on the other side, even the supporters of the Taliban do not support the return of Emirate system in Afghanistan. From top to bottom, including politicians, men, women, girls, and boys they all reject the return of Islamic Emirate in Afghanistan
These show that there is a strong consensus against Emirate system in Afghanistan. This article is going to discuss about the main factors why the people do not support Emirate system in Afghanistan.
The first and most important factor is that the Taliban has no plan for Afghanistan. They only know how to implement the order of others by killing civilian, men, women, and children and destroying public properties which are not only against Islamic principles and values but also against all rational and human principles and values. The Taliban think they represent Islam but they cannot tell us which Islam carried out suicide attacks on Muslims in the history of Islam. They cannot prove which Islam destroyed public properties while every year they impose millions of dollars losses on the country by destroying national infrastructures?
Given the number of free media, universities, educational centers, and other informational resources in the country, the Taliban cannot realize that now the levels of social and political awareness have increased in the country. They are not convinced by force but by logic. So, instead of attempting to resolve every problem by force, they should use science and rationality how to resolve the problem of the country. The Taliban think that they fight against foreigners or vestiges of foreigners, but they cannot prove that themselves were not created and are not supported by foreigners. The Taliban also cannot prove they have no link with terrorist groups who repeatedly committed crimes against humanity killing hundreds of worshipers in the country.
The next reason that why the people do not support emirate system because it was already experienced from 1996 – 2001. During the domination of the Taliban regime, the power was rigorously centralized in the hands of an “Amir ul-Momineen,” the leader of the faithful. This supreme leader was the head of state and had ultimate authority. The constitution did not describe how such a leader would be selected or for how long he could serve.
Also, it was of the main condition that the supreme leader must be male and a Sunni Muslim. In short, during the domination of the Taliban regime, there was nothing to define civil rights, freedom, and public participation in the social and cultural areas. Despite this dark background, the Taliban has not introduced any updated versions of Islamic Emirate in the country.
As a third factor, the Taliban is considered as an inheritor of past despotic systems which were based on exclusion, injustice, ethnicity, oppression, and xenophobia. Therefore, the monopolist mentality of Taliban is not only in paradox to democratic standards but also in paradox to the pluralistic structure of Afghan society.
The multi-ethnic society of Afghanistan has long experienced such types of systems in the country. Even, many of today’s crises and divisions rooted in that tyrannical system in history.
Therefore, the multi-ethnic society of Afghanistan is naturally in paradox to the monopolistic and obsolete version of Emirate system in the country.
As a last factor, the Taliban has a strict interpretation from Islamic which is neither compatible with the requirement of times and nor acceptable by Islamic Uleema. Seemingly, they still believe that the political system in Islam is caliphate although there is no theatrical support in Islamic resource about it. In fact, they mistake the emirate, kingdom, caliphate, and alike to Islamic system while they were the product of Islamic society.
Even, if we accept the caliphate as an Islamic system, it has been formally abolished since 1923 and not applicable in the contemporary era.
Therefore, there are serious questions what is the theoretical foundation of Emirate which is proposed by Taliban? Why the Taliban are not ready to clearly explain the content of the Islamic government they have in their mind? And eventually, why the Taliban ignore the consensus of Islamic Uleema made throughout the Islamic world in recent years?