Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Sunday, June 30th, 2024

The US New Chapter of Relationship with Afghanistan

The United States and allies started its troop drawdown on first may 2021 according to the US and Taliban agreement. Many Afghan, US and politicians from other countries called the US troop withdrawal an irresponsible act. In addition to that, Afghanistan signed a Bilateral Security Agreement on Tuesday, September 30, 2014 that was expected to open a New Era of Afghan-U.S. Cooperation. In fact, the long awaited agreement allowed approximately 9,800 U.S. forces to join another 2,000 NATO troops aimed to remain in the Afghanistan and assist Afghan Security Forces as they continued to battle a determined Taliban. Additional provisions allowed special operations forces to conduct counterterrorism missions and to maintain several operating bases to facilitate better regional presence and security.
At that time it was considered a remarkable act by President Ghani’s administration because the US officials thought that nothing happened quickly in Afghanistan, particularly in the bureaucratic cogs of a fledgling government, but President Ghani had signaled his strong support for a continued Afghanistan-U.S. relationship with this first pivotal act of foreign policy. At that time the US officials deemed this act of President Ghani as his willingness to complete this critical task portends a more promising future for the new democracy and a more mutually beneficial relationship for the two countries. According to the BSA, NATO could move beyond the task of planning for a 2014 “zero option” and could focus on the still tenuous security situation, while Afghanistan and the United States could look forward with promise to a new era of cooperation.
In the first direct US and Taliban talks that was held between M Wells and Taliban
However, when the United States started direct negotiations with Taliban representative on Jul 29, 2018, though she denied the talks but the Taliban official confirmed the Associated Press on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to speak to the media. Further, following her return, the State Department stated that Any talks about a future political setup would be between the Taliban and the Afghan government. As the talks continued between the US and Taliban, what was absent was adhering to the provisions of BSA. The US not only did not treat Afghanistan as a strategic partner but sidelined it from the talks. The United States even included the Name of the Emarate Islami in the US and Taliban Peace Agreement. In addition to that, the US promised Taliban to release their prisoners without taking any commitments on a cease fire contrary to what American officials kept saying that any withdrawal deal must include the Taliban’s agreeing to a cease-fire.
As a result of a bad Peace Agreement between the US and Taliban, a terrorist group has changed to a legitimate group and more than 5000 tourists have been released. Most of these terrorist have joined the war fronts and are fighting against ANSF and shedding the blood of innocent Afghans. They are purposefully killing journalists, school and university children, civilians and have close cooperation with al-Qaeda and other terrorist groups.
Will a New Bilateral Relationship Have the Same Fate as BSA?
The US Secretary of Defense Lloyed Austin has announced that the US was seeking a new chapter of relationship with Afghanistan after the withdrawal of American forces from Afghanistan. Accordingly, the US would work toward the common goals of the two sides in some new and different ways. The US administration aims to continue its support to both the ANSF and the government of Afghanistan. The US would support the ANSF and the government of Afghanistan after it retrogates with funding, with logistics, and US would remain partner with the Afghan government.
Keeping the republic intact, preserving the democratic achievements, amending the current constitution according to the amendment framework identified in the constitution, human rights and women rights, the rights of minority groups the main concerns of Afghans in the peace talks. They expect the US and international community help the Afghans to protect them. The US shift to a new relationship with Afghanistan should include and prioritize supporting these principles. Overall, The US Secretary of Defense Statements show that the Biden administration is seeking not to repeat the political blunder of 1980s, which led to civil unrest, a move which is cautiously welcomed by Afghanistan government and citizens.