Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 27th, 2024

The Path to the Light

Attacking educational centers is one of the key war strategies of the Taliban group. As this group is against development of Afghanistan, they continue to attack schools, colleges and universities across the country as these are the foundations that produce knowledge and knowledgeable people.
As such, Taliban have repeatedly attacked these centers. The recent attacks on Pul e Alam, Sayed Shohda High School and Albironi University of Kapisa show they do not by no commitments and only peruse their terrorist agendas.
Attacking on Alberoni Alberoni University in Bagram district of Parwan on Saturday afternoon, martyred 4 university lecturers and injured 13. These attacks raise serious questions about the intentions of the Taliban about the peace process. As the attacks show the group do not contrary to the claims they make have not changed their mentality about the education and other aspects of modern life.
As the victims of the attacks show, the youth are the main targets of the terrorist groups in these attacks. Because young generation of Afghanistan is one of the main obstacles to reestablishing the Emarate System by the Taliban.
After the Collapse of the Taliban in 2001, new horizons were opened to the Afghan youth. Many Afghan youths have been educated and want to serve Afghanistan and contribute to its development. The four lecturers who martyred on Alberoin University attack, the 100 students who were martyred on Sayed Shohad High school attack and tens of students who were martyred on Pul Aalm attack, all of them dreamed to make Afghanistan a better place for all Afghans.
Afghan youths believe Terrorist groups do not want them to educate. Because terrorist groups are the enemies of education and awareness. As a result, they attempt to stop them by any means.
Taliban consistently tried to prevent Afghan children and youth from schooling; they have burnt schools, they have poisoned the students, have threatened to death the students, teachers and instructors and even abducted and beheaded them.
The main reason behind attacking the schools and universities by the terrorist groups including Taliban is that they only can misuse the ignorant people and not the educated ones. They cannot divide the educated ones under religion, ethnicity, language and locality and rule them.
In fact, Afghan youth during the two last decades have proven that they are fed up with war and violence and work for peace, security and stability of their country.
As a result, they have staged many campaigns on rejecting war, fundamentalism and terror. They have always supported Afghanistan security and defense forces and have advocated for the victims of terror attacks across the country.
Active participation of the Afghan youth in civil society activities have increased the public awareness level and it gradually limits the influence of the terrorist group of Taliban and they have seriously been challenged in recruiting new fighters. Taliban see the youth as the potential leaders that can unite Afghans and show the real face of the terrorists to the nation.
This has made Taliban to attack them systematically the educational and academic centers in order to create terror among the youth abandon education.
Reaction of the Afghan students and youth to the Taliban’s attacks have been decisive. They have continued the path of knowledge stronger than before. They have clearly expressed their message to the terrorist groups that they will not surrender.
The young generation of any country is its future human capital. As a result, attacking the youth means attacking the bright future of a nation. Therefore, Terrorists groups want to keep Afghanistan in war and violence by attacking the youth.
They want Afghanistan remain an underdeveloped and in poverty. Because terrorism have no room in an educated and well developed nation.
One of the other reasons why the terrorist groups target educational institutions is because schools, colleges and universities are comparatively softer targets where large number of people congregate and thus offer potential for mass casualties in order to create wide public panic and criticizing the Afghan government inability to maintain the security of the citizens.
The recent attacks of Taliban and other terrorist groups on educational and academic centers show how much they fear from the power of education. They have focused part of their attacks on the Afghan youth because they have challenged the inhumane ideology of these terrorist groups. The Afghan youth have decided to continue the path to light by continuing their education. They want to bring positive changes in the life of the Afghans and develop their country to be a peaceful and stable country. At the same time, the ANDSF must take all the necessary measures to maintain the security of the schools, educational centers and universities of the country.