Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Tuesday, July 2nd, 2024

Democratic Peace via Genuine Cooperation

Expecting complete withdrawal of ISAF and NATO forces by 2014, the country is afraid of undergoing a power vacuum and fresh round of regional interference and domestic instability. If it comes true, the occurrence will certainly lead to uncontrolled turmoil, chaos and anarchy. With billions of dollars spent on institution building, government institutions seem too weak to undertake jobs on their own.

To say the truth, this is a matter of concern for international community which is going to leave Afghanistan behind with burdens heavier than it can ever carry. There needs to be a mechanism established to ensure capability of the government to address challenges and run the process smoothly.

Investing more on government institutions for the coming three years will remain at the top priorities for president Karzai government and its allies. However, reconciliation process is continued with increasing hindrances on the way to disarm Taliban, defeat Al-Qaeda and strengthen Afghan national forces.

Having another instrument at hand to prevent deterioration of security, sustain stability and peace and thwart external meddling, President Karzai government has embarked on establishing close ties with the regional and global influential powers to help the democratic system survive in Afghanistan.

It has made the decision to sign strategic partnership treaties with regional and western powers. So far, President Karzai has endorsed Afghanistan's strategic partnership with South Asian emerging power India.

India has been actively engaged in post-Taliban Afghanistan to help democracy get rooted here and build up a sustainable peace. Struggling for a higher position in world economy and politics, India needs a secure, peaceful and neutral Afghanistan.

The country's longstanding rivalry with Pakistan has made suffer greatly from uncontrolled extremism, religious fanaticism and talibanization of the region. Extremist forces have always pushed for an unstable and chaotic Afghanistan to spread their ideology of terror, hatred and violence and threaten interests of nations, groups and individualswhom they call "others".

To lay the ground for sustained regional cooperation in Afghanistan and a peaceful world, Afghanistan needs not to be the only focus for fighting terrorism. The origins producing and exporting terrorism will remain unhurt unless a genuine policy is applied towards terrorism hotbeds outside Afghanistan.

Afghanistan will have to attract supports from any nation, group or alliance thatsincerely condemn violence, terror and extremism and heartedly believe in democratizing Afghanistan, who see their interests in a regional peace and transnationaldemocratic cooperation.

Establishing ties with world democracies, economic hubs and peace-loving nations will assure a secured, developed and peaceful future for Afghanistan that, in the long run, will benefit the entire nations. Afghanistan needs genuine supports from regional and global actors to end violence and insecurity here who, in return, will see their interests imbedded in a developed, democratic Afghanistan.Democraticpeace will not only rescue Afghanistan but will also guarantee a better future for regional actors, global powers and the whole mankind.