Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 27th, 2024

Why Districts Matter for Stability in Afghanistan

In Afghanistan, the provinces are subdivided into districts. Districts are the face between the government and people. Managerial arrangements between the province and its districts are like to those in the center provincial affairs. A powerful system in districts could help ensure a strong relation between government and the people and vice versus because a district is the first point of contact between government and the nation. The main reason of a weak system in Afghanistan is the weak districts because the foundation of communication between government and the nation starts from there.  Taliban just increased their attacks on districts when they signed a peace deal with the United states contrary to the provisions of the deal to reduce violence. Now, every day, the Taliban release videos of triumphant insurgents inspecting yet another Afghan district headquarters that had been lost in battle by government forces or surrendered without a fight.
One of the reasons of falling these districts to Taliban is that some of these districts are too remote or sparsely populated to warrant defending as the overstretched Afghan military, in most cases, short of vital air support, refocusing on protecting the country’s major population centers. The seemingly succession of battlefield setbacks that suddenly have accelerated these days, especially in the north, is beginning to create a perception of inevitability about a Taliban takeover. However, the Afghan security forces which have been trained and equipped by the U.S. and Western allies for nearly two decades, numbering roughly 260,000 men, are strong enough to prevent the Taliban from seizing power in the immediate aftermath of the American military withdrawal that is nearing completion. Retaking about 20 districts showed that Afghan forces along with the public uprising forces have the capacity and morale to fight Taliban and ensure the security of the country at a time that Taliban and other terrorists groups protected by them have started a full scale war against the ANDSF.
Taliban by capturing districts try to destabilize the frontline of stability of government’s system and also the frontline of people’s wellbeing. They also aim to harm the national unity of Afghanistan. Increasing attacks on districts show that Taliban do not want peace, because real peace discourse starts from the districts.
The Negative Role of local power-brokers and military commanders Experts believe that many of these districts have surrendered to the Taliban as a result of negotiations that involved local power-brokers and military commanders who figured they would get a better deal if they moved early. 
This sense of crumbling morale of some commodores has been compounded by the lack of clear military strategy in Kabul. One of the clearest signs of lack of a military strategy in Afghanizes is frequently changing of military officials. This shows that the government just looks for a short term remedy of the problem and managing the public anger. In other case, the government shall look for military strategy shortcomings in order to better manage the war by timely equipping, supporting and addressing the needs of the soldiers who are fighting in the frontlines.
Taliban Propaganda
It seems Taliban have been well trained by a neighboring country’s intelligence agency on the war propaganda. Unfortunately, many people including the youth fall prey to the propaganda of Taliban in promoting their discourse and false claims unknowingly. For example, one of the propagandas that have concerned many Afghans is whether some secret agreement exists to hand over district after district to the Taliban. Afghan government has strongly refused such a plan. But the fact that people are thinking this way, this in itself gives the general picture. If such gossips are not managed strategically the same thing will go in the mind of those soldiers who are defending the country and it will have severe consequences.
Districts are the real face of government and the people. Peacemaking, trust building between the people and government, ensuring security and stability depend on the control of the government on districts. Taliban have increased their attacks on districts with the support of the intelligent agency of one of the neighboring countries of Afghanistan to challenge and if can to cut the relation of the government with the people in order to make the Afghan government fall. In such a context, the government shall reconsider its war strategy. It shall ensure the protection of the districts as the foundations of the governance system. Gaining the trust of the people is the key to success of the government in its war with Taliban and other terrorist groups.