Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Sunday, June 30th, 2024

What Lessons Should We Learn From Military Advances of the Taliban?

Despite regional efforts for sanctifications of the Taliban, the Taliban continued horrible deeds and crimes forcing thousands of civilians to leave their hometowns and birthplaces. It means, some of the opportunistic neighboring countries have begun to expurgate the deeds and actions of the Taliban, but the Taliban refuting their justifications with their own dreadful deeds and action such as teasing girls, women, destroying and looting public and private properties, and crazily beheading armed and civilians in areas under their domination. Indeed, the atrocity of the Taliban has not only re-revealed the real face of the Taliban and that they are more dangerous than the 1990s, but also scandalize the opportunistic position of their old and new supporters. In general, the fear and frights have unspeakably enveloped the country forcing millions of people to flee or fly from their birthplaces.
Besides growing fears and frights, there are deep changes and developments teaching new lessons to the people of Afghanistan. One of the most important changes and consensus felt pertained to Afghan views about the regional and international community. Given the recent oppression and aggression of the Taliban, the people are ready to sign another strategic agreement with any world power or Muslim countries such as Turkey, but not witness their wives and daughters abused in front of their eyes.  And now, the people of Afghanistan clearly understand why they need to foreign supporters and why some of the neighboring countries support a terrorist group instead of a relatively legitimate government.  And eventually, the Afghan people know how the regional politicians give religious and humanitarian slogans but act vice versa.
The next lesson learned pertained to the ideology of the Taliban. The recent deeds and behavior of the Taliban showed that the Taliban are neither committed to the interests of Afghanistan and nor loyal to the Islamic teachings. According to Islamic teaching if someone kills a person as if he kills the whole of humanity, but killing of the innocent men and women are the easiest task for the Taliban. Without paying attention to advice of religious scholars, they audaciously shot when they face any active or educated individual. Until now, the Taliban killed hundreds of youths, sportsmen, social activists, traders, drivers, shopkeepers, or any active and educated individual. According to the latest official report from Boldak district, the Taliban have audaciously killed nearly 400 civilians and delivered 120 corpses to their families. Similar reports come from Malistan district that the Taliban have killed dozens of civilians, destroyed dozens of public and private properties such as public offices, schools, bridges, and shops people for different excuses.
Other important lessons that should be learned from the Taliban advances are that the Taliban are not loyal to the Islamic teachings. They not only tease the daughters and wives of people but also loot the public and private properties. According to Rahe-Farda T.V, the Taliban have theft and looted all private shops and businesses in the Malistan district of Ghazni province and then transferred them to Daya (Ajristan) district. Similar reports or scandals are circulating in social media networks saying whenever, the Taliban see any good car, good motorbike, and good things and they take them by force. Even, it is said that whenever the Taliban see any good lady they try to tease or abuse; whenever they face any active or clean men they kill. In recent days, one of the local sources reported that the Taliban ordered people to bring them food, as the men fled the area, the women usually provide them food but when the women bring them food, they tease women. Therefore, the people are not only worried about their properties and lives but also worried about their young daughters and wives.
The third lesson learned from the advances of the Taliban is that the dark mentality of the Taliban has not changed yet. They do not allow any unmarried women to leave their homes, go to the educational centers or go out without chadors. Although Muslim women including Afghan women love to wear Hejab, the chadors which are imposed by the Taliban are like a large bag that covers from the top to the toes of women, and seems strange. A few days ago, a local source reported that the price of women’s chadors in Takhar province has risen from 400 Afghanis to 1,600Afghanis. In some parts of Bulkh province, the women were whipped because of not wearing chadors.
The last lesson that we should learn from the military advance of the Taliban is that they have no capacity and no motives to serve people and so the public and administrative services are entirely stopped in the area under the control of the Taliban. Similarly, there are no developmental projects and the people have entirely evacuated the occupied area. Instead of providing public services, the Taliban destroys public facilities. A few weeks ago, the government officials announced that the Taliban had imposed millions of losses on the country by the destruction of public facilities such as public roads, schools, clinics, and bridges. In some places, they have not only ignited public buildings but also private shops and homes using them as war front. As a result, thousands of families migrated to urban areas, and now most of these families have pitched tents in public areas such as roads, crossroads, and parks with women and children without access to basic living requirements.
By and large, the Taliban is neither compatible with the requirement of times and nor committed to Islamic values. The recent deeds and actions of the Taliban have clearly shown that neither they believe in Islamic values and nor in modern values such as equity, equality, justice, freedom, women’s right, freedom of speech, and so on. Therefore, the contemporary and multi-ethnic society of Afghanistan is entirely in paradox to the monopolistic and obsolete version of the Emirate system in the country.