Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Tuesday, July 2nd, 2024

To Stand Dignified among the Nations of the World

Afghanistan, unfortunately, has been one of the countries where there have been various incidents of the violation of human rights. Years of conflicts, wars, obsolete tribal norms and values and extremist religious beliefs have influenced the people of Afghanistan to a great extent; they have in fact played major role in violating basic human rights. Though the violation of human rights has been against most of the strata of the society but weaker strata; especially women, children and minority groups, have been its dominant prey.

Unfortunately, the country's social and political structures have always shielded the violations and have even made them grow. Even the influential people in social and political organizations have failed to play major role in punishing the culprits; on certain occasions they themselves have been involved in such actions.

With an alarming growth of violation of human rights in the country, the steps to curb it have been discouraged on various occasions. According to certain reports, the report of violation of human rights for almost three decades – from late 70's to the end of the Taliban regime in 2001 – has stirred some controversy and it is believed that authorities in the government would not like it to be published as it includes names of some high-profile people.

Sima Samar, the chairperson for Afghanistan's Independent Human Rights Commission (AIHRC), has mentioned, "It's possible [that people who would replace us would not release the reports as it is] (as the term of commissioners has been completed), but they cannot totally destroy all the documents because today's technology is different from a century ago… I think these events are the reality and the people of Afghanistan should accept this reality… Whether we release it today, ten or fifteen years later, it will remain part of the history of Afghanistan."

Some people believe that the slogans of human rights are just Western slogans and adherence to them is nothing more than a fad. Unfortunately, there are only few who consider them a threat for lasting peace and tranquility in the country.

If Afghans are really interested in having a better and civilized future they have to make sure that the incidents of violations, the culprits and the supporters of culprits are highlighted properly and the culprits are held accountable for their deeds. This is the only way of guaranteeing sustainable peace in Afghanistan and acquiring dignified life among the nations of the world.