Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Tuesday, July 2nd, 2024

Afghans Require Transparent Peace Process

Afghan people have had great expectations from the changes that have been occurring in the country after the demise of Taliban. Unfortunately, the same changes seem to be on a different track from where the people expected it to go. The people had thought that these changes would ultimately lead to a tranquil life and better standard of living. However, the contemporary scenario seems to depict something very much ambiguous.

One of the basic reasons of this ambiguity is the gap between the ruling elite and the poor masses. The ruling elite has always kept the people and their interests away from matter of the country and the same has been happening currently with peace process – the so-called "reconciliation process".

The common people who suffer the changes in political and social spheres of life to a great extent are kept aloof of the overall process and most of them do not know what is really happening.

The Afghan Presidential office and the Western allies are in a hurry to setup an arrangement for the future of political developments in the country and conclude the reconciliation process but they seem to be doing it just to pass the buck.

In fact, they seem to be confused in this regard. Instead of carrying on the process in the right order they are carrying it in reverse order. The conclusions that have to be drawn at the end of the process are being made now when the process has not even started.

The Taliban are declared as 'friends' even when they have not yet started their office for dialogue. On the other hand people of Afghanistan still suffer from insecurity threats and they may have it even after the arrangements for the dialogues are made because it will not conclude as urgently as many wish it to.

Take the example of yesterday's attack in Kandahar that killed innocent people, including children. Moreover, there are instances of such attacks every now and then, not only on citizens but also the Afghan and international troops.

The controversial reconciliation that is being backed so vehemently in fact fails to address the challenges of the objective conditions and will fail to guard the future of the country from insecurity and disorder if it is pursued only to pass the buck and not in accordance to the demands of the time; among which the transparency of the process is the most important one – especially to the people of Afghanistan.