Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Tuesday, July 2nd, 2024

Karzai Needs to Realize Challenges ahead of ANA & ANP

Afghan security forces do not possess the required capacity to launch night raids, Ministry of Defense (MoD) has admitted. On Monday, MoD spokesman, General Zahir Azimi told reporters that night raids were a collective work of NATO and Afghan National Army (ANA). "We require more time in order to prepare our commandoes for such actions," he said.

Night raids have been a matter of dispute between Karzai and NATO. At times when NATO deems such operations as very successful against insurgents, Mr. Karzai has called for their stoppage deeming them attacks on the honor of Afghans and a major reason for civilian killings.

Last month NATO spokesman Brig. Gen. Carsten Jacobson said that Afghan Special Forces took part in nearly all night raids and their participation was constantly increasing. The raids remain the safest form of operation to take out insurgent leaders, since they account for less than 1 percent of civilian casualties and in 85 percent of cases no shots are fired, he said.

"President Karzai has asked foreign troops to (refrain) from entering Afghan homes and this is exactly where ... 'Afghanization' comes in," Jacobson said, referring to the gradual transfer of responsibility for security to the Afghan army and police.

Afghan security forces were handed security responsibilities of seven cities and provinces of Afghanistan under first phase of security transition process that kicked off last summer. In spring, 17 more areas are going to come under Afghan control.

But this does not mean that ANA and ANP are now sufficiently professional. They, still, have a long way to go as they require more training, equipments, technology, weapons andfighting crafts. If care is not practiced in military actions such as 'night operations,' they might result in more civilian and military casualties and will further trigger the anger of local people.

Thus, Karzai really needs to understand the challenges ahead of our security forces and let them gradually and steadily grow while assuming more security tasks. He has to take an instance only after thoroughly analyzing the ground realities pertaining to Afghanistan.