Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Tuesday, July 2nd, 2024

Ghazni: The Center of Islamic Civilization

More than 90 percent of districts of Afghanistan are under varying influence or control of the insurgents. This is what the government itself admits. With more international troops deployed in Afghanistan last year and multiplication of efforts to recruit more people to Afghan National Army and Police, the security condition has drastically deteriorated. Afghanistan is reversing towards bad security which threats the planned development and reconstruction activities and also, the newborn democracy. The government claims to be strong enough to protect Afghanistan against its enemies, albeit ground realities speak out something else.

The lowest level of security prevailing in Afghanistan is hampering all sorts of constructive efforts. In Ghazni – that has been selected as Center of Islamic Civilization for 2013 – security condition has become the worst.

The Muslim World has not only opted Ghazni as the center of Islamic civilization but also several Muslim countries have committed to fund the development projects there. The purpose of these projects is to make Ghazni look like a real center of civilization for Muslims by reconstruction the destroyed heritages and other infrastructures.

These planned projects for Ghazni, if implemented, will turn it into a beautiful city. Also, many opportunities will be available to its residents during the implementation of reconstruction projects, including employment. But it seems like the bad security is not letting Ghazni to represent the civilization of Muslims as a center in 2013.

The continuous insurgent attacks, led to dozens of civilian's deaths in a bomb explosion. Such incidents are usual. The main roads connecting districts of Ghazni are extremely dangerous for traveling as Taliban are leaving no opportunity to attack government and innocent people in this historical province. In many districts the government has no role and people refer to Taliban for solving their social and legal issues.

The residents of this province despite severe security threats participated in the last year's parliamentary elections. But Ghazni continues to suffer from lack of attention from government and the parliament has also not taken any specific step to bring this province out of difficulties. And it has become very difficult for Ghazni to look like a real center of Islamic civilization in 2013 which is a regret.