Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Tuesday, July 2nd, 2024

War is not the Solution

The tension between Iran and US seems to be rising, as US is pressurizing Iran because of its nuclear program through sanctions and Tehran is getting tougher on its stand against the claims on its nuclear program and the bans that are being planned against it. On Tuesday, January 03, 2012 Iran warned US aircraft carrier to return to the Persian Gulf.

According to the reports the US has been deploying its warships in the Gulf. US Commander Bill Speaks has said, "These are regularly scheduled movements and in accordance with our long-standing commitments to the security and stability of the region and in support of the ongoing operations….

The US Navy operates under international maritime conventions to maintain a constant state of high vigilance in order to ensure the continued, safe flow of maritime traffic in waterways critical to global commerce."

Iran earlier warned that it would close the Strait of Hormuz that leads to the Gulf of Oman and Arabian Sea and is the only possible route for the tankers transporting crude from the oil-rich states of the Persian Gulf to markets if there are sanctions on it regarding its nuclear program.

Iran has been getting very much tough regarding its stand and earlier it carried out a test of a surface-to-surface cruise missile in addition to 10-day naval exercise near the strait. General Ataollah Salehi at the end of the exercise said, "We recommend to the American warship that passed through the Strait of Hormuz and went to Gulf of Oman to return to the Persian Gulf… We have no plan to begin any irrational act but we are ready against any threat."

The current tension between Iran and US is, to a certain extent, failure of diplomatic endeavors regarding the issue of Iranian nuclear program. However, it must not climb further to the height from where it would not be possible to retreat.

It is better, and influential countries must support, that Iran should be brought to the negotiation table so that a state of war is not created. The world is already going through severe disturbances and disorders, another war in this regard would not be in the favor of humanity.

The Middle East has yet to get the fruit of the its revolution, further mayhem in this regard may spoil the situation and may make the nations repent for many generations to come. War has never been the solution and it must be avoided as much as possible.