Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Tuesday, July 2nd, 2024

Taliban are Playing Well

If Taliban are purely willing to give a full stop to the sufferings of the people of Afghanistan, the very fundamental conditions is an immediate cease fire.

In the view of changing US and Afghan governments' mindset towards insurgents, Taliban are not as black as they are painted. They are 'brothers' and 'not enemies.' But, indeed, that is nothing else than glossing over the ten-year failures of Karzai government and its international backers against the growing insecurity given birth by Taliban, Haqqani and al-Qaida networks and other groups of terrorist.

Pathetically, the condition has turned so that Karzai urges the militants – while weeping and calling them as his brothers - to stop practicing violence but targeted killings, suicide bombing, kidnapping and other acts of insurgency get more pace with every passing day.

The Taliban are playing well. They, on one hand, give green signal to a political solution of Afghan conflict and forward their demands including release of their leaders from Gitmo and on the other continues spreading fear and terror in Afghanistan.

Three blasts (including one suicide attack) in Kandahar on Tuesday took lives of thirteen people and injured many others. This and several other acts of insurgency that have occurred recently in Afghanistan coincide with the Taliban agreement to negotiate a peace deal and establish an office in Qatar.

Taliban and the US have had several sessions of talks in the last ten months and have reached agreement on some major points. Are not the Taliban utilizing the peace process to attain a legitimate status through establishment of an office and free their high-ranking commanders/leaders from Guantanamo?

If Taliban are purely willing to give a full stop to the sufferings of the people of Afghanistan, the very fundamental conditions is an immediate cease fire. Unless that is in place, why should not one doubt the intentions of Taliban? They are responsible for deaths of thousands of innocents Afghans? Even if the war in Afghanistan gets resolved through peace and reconciliation process, the Afghans will not forgive the Taliban.