Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Tuesday, July 2nd, 2024

Salang Pass and Disaster Management

As expected each year at this time of winter snowfall, the Salang Pass is blocked because of the storm. Since Friday, hundreds of vehicles are struck on both sides. The maintenance guards have blocked traffic and quick snow removal work has been launched. The concerned authorities have to be prepared for further heavy snowfall and avalanches in near future.

Every year the heavy snowfall and avalanches take many lives. The tunnel remains closed for several days in February and end of January usually. On February 08, 2010, more than 170 people were killed
The 12,700-feet-high Salang Tunnel, built by Soviet Union is in deplorable condition now. Heavy avalanches block it for days during snowfalls of winter. When avalanches block the air-receiver block-holes of the pass, it is impossible to breath inside the tunnel. And causalities occur almost every year in winter.

Salang Pass is the only road connecting capital Kabul to Northern parts of the country. As soon as possible, the road should be cleared for movement. And rescue forces should be deployed and kept to both sides of the tunnel for the entire months of January and February as previous catastrophic accidents have occurred at this time. The officials should be ready with emergency rescue preparations for any natural disasters and accidents.

There should be strict implementation of rules by traffic controlling officials for drivers to have their supporting-chains with vehicles while traveling through Salang Pass. Weather could be predicted and snowfall known a day before, but sliding and avalanches cannot be predicted. The catastrophe in February 2010 which killed 170 people was caused by sudden avalanche when thousands of vehicles were lined in slow traffic inside the long tunnel. Once the avalanche blocked both sides, vehicles remained inside for days.

The poor control and traffic management sometimes cause the blockade of vehicles, and more people become trapped in snow. Traffic should be controlled strictly. There should be a Salang Emergency Rescue preparation on high alert for any rapid rescue. The traffic flow should be kept fast inside the tunnel, which could be done with proper planning.

The concerned authorities of Ministry of Public Works should also plan repair work of the deplorable Salang Pass. Built in 1960s, the tunnel has fractures that can cause a big catastrophe any time.

The snowfall during this and the coming months will cause further road blockades in northern provinces. We face heavy snowfall in particular areas that causes deaths every year. The Government relevant authorities should be prepared for rescue and disaster management.

Unfortunately despite our tragic experiences each year, the concerned authorities have not learnt. The usual excuse that the officials of Disaster Management make after each natural disaster, during January and February, is its early-snowfall saying they did not expect it early.

Natural disasters such as heavy snowfall cause hundreds of deaths every year in winter. The Natural Disaster Management Authority officials in Kabul should be prepared for emergency rescue operations in Northern and Central provinces where heavy snowfall has made life miserable for thousands of villagers already.