Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Tuesday, July 2nd, 2024

Many are Guilty in the Case of Sahar Gol

Recently pictures and videos of a fifteen year old woman, named Sahar Gol, have changed into a symbol of violence against Afghan women. Reportedly, she was forcedly married to a 30 year old man last year when she was just fourteen. According to Baghlan police, she once complained about the cruelty of her husband's family members, but she was returned with the mediation of tribal elders. It clearly means that though she was just a teenage girl, yet she had the courage to complain about her sufferings to security organizations.

Allegedly, the main reason behind punishment was her resistance against inhuman and illegal demands of her husband and his family. Reportedly, she was asked to turn into a prostitute and collect money for them. Though she was not a mature woman but she resisted bravely and did not succumb to their illegal, inhuman and un-Islamic demands.

Unfortunately, they also did not leave her on her own and started punishing her brutally for defiance. As a result, she lost her dark and silky hair. Her fingers were rent out. Her face entirely bruised. Police found her in the underground where she was jailed for months.

The astonishing story is this that her husband's family informed the police and told them that she was lost and they knew nothing about her. It was highly possible that they had evil intention perhaps to get rid of her once for ever. Otherwise, there was no reason for them to complain to police.

Assuming police confession true that she informed them three moths ago, the question is why Baghlan police never searched about her condition?

She is from a remote province, Badakhshan, and she knew no one around. The only way that she could get herself rid of brutality of her husband and his family was police. It is highly possible that Baghlan police could guess that she was not from the province due to clear difference of accent.

And it is also possible that she might have told them she knew no one around and her family was in Badakhsan province. So, after mediation of tribal elders and village Mullah, why police, in spite of observing her in severe condition, had never tried to become aware of her situation? They were reminded only when her husband's family informed them!

Many people are guilty in the case of innocent Sahar Gol, including her own family, neighbors, but police also should be questioned about their inconsideration and indifference after she made them aware of her condition.