Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Sunday, June 30th, 2024

Will Wardak Say “Yes” to MJ call?

The credibility of Ministry of Defense has been seriously stained by the last week's attack by a suicide bomber who had reached its third floor and killed three and injured 6 people. This attack has precipitated the concerns of people over the capacity of Afghan Security Force in regards of defense of Afghanistan. To them, if a force can not defend itself, there is no hope that it will be able to defend a country.
How could the terrorist approach near the office of Defense Minister? The answer to this question is vague even to the authorities of concern ministry. The report, about this, presented to President Hamid Karzai has failed to satisfy him. Also, no satisfactory reason has been provided to the parliament and senate of Afghanistan.

The Mesharano Jirga (Senate) has demanded the resignation of Minister of Defense, Abdur Rahim Wardak by pronouncing him unsuitable for this post. The demand for the resignation of Defense Minister is not new. Two weeks ago, a Western paper published news report which claimed that President Karzai wanted to dismiss two ministers: the Defense Minister, Wardak and the Finance Minister, Hazrat Omar Zakhilwal. But Wardak and Zakhilwal rejected the report saying that they enjoy good relations with the President. The same was done by Hamid Karzai.

The tradition of resignation is not common in Afghanistan, although last year Interior Minister, Hanif Atmar and Head of Afghan Intelligence, Amrullah Saleh had to submit their resignations to the President as a result of rocket attacks on a Peace Jirga (assembly) by Taliban. Generally, in Afghanistan people who come to power or hold high positions remain stick to their seats until forcefully removed. There are so many examples for this.
It is quite improbable, that the Defense Minister will say 'yes' to the call of Wolesi Jirga and resign. He will continue to remain the Defense Minister of Afghanistan as long as the people who had brought him to power keep supporting him. The Wolesi Jirga that normally does not follow up the issues once it points out will hardly raise the issue of resignation of Wardak once again.