Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Tuesday, July 2nd, 2024

“The Ongoing Reconciliation Process is Flawed”

Afghan authorities and US, in urgency to conclude the war against terrorism through some sort of reconciliation with Taliban, are neglecting some of the very important facts. It is not only the urgency of the process but also its ambiguous nature that is making it very much mysterious. Even the Afghan presidential office seems to have been neglected in the process. Though US has mentioned that the process will be 'afghanized', there is not any sign of 'afghanization' of the process.

Here it must be mentioned that 'afghanization' of the process does not mean making participation of President Karzai and his chosen representatives sure in the process; rather there should be participation of representatives of different political groups and minorities – most importantly the anti-Taliban groups.

A recent meeting held between some of US Congressmen and Northern Alliance leaders in Germany demanded the same sort of reconciliation process. A press release after the meeting, agreed upon by Congressmen and Afghan leaders, mentioned, "We firmly believe that any negotiation with the Taliban can only be acceptable, and therefore effective, if all parties to the conflict are involved in the process.

The present form of discussions with the Taliban is flawed, as it excludes anti-Taliban Afghans. It must be recalled that the Taliban extremists and their Al-Qaida supporters were defeated by Afghans resisting extremism with minimal human embedded support from the United States and International community. The present negotiations with the Taliban fail to take into account the risks, sacrifices and legitimate interests of the Afghans who ended the brutal oppression of all Afghans."

The press release also emphasized on a parliamentary form of government with proper representation to all Afghan groups so as to ensure maximum participation of Afghan people in the making of the country. Moreover, it also criticized the present system to be authoritarian, with the president having all the powers in the making of the government.

The US and Afghan government authorities have to make sure that it is Afghan people who should have the right to decide for the future of the country. Their involvement should be made sure in the process through their representatives and through institutionalization of the political and social systems. The system based on the individuals can lead the country only towards anarchy. There are many Afghan people who have not been religious fanatics and have always hoped for a moderate and better society. They have every right to be a part of the decision making in the country.