Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Tuesday, July 2nd, 2024

This time British Soldiers!

It seems like, as we move ahead, more stories of mistreatments of foreign troops towards Afghans will be unveiled. Following the shocking video – showing US Marines urinating on the corpse of Taliban -, British newspaper 'The Sun' reported yesterday that Two British soldiers had been arrested over claims of abusing Afghan children aged about ten. The newspaper said, "The accused pair — a sergeant and a private in the Mercian Battle Group — allegedly encouraged a boy and a girl to touch them through their clothes.

They are said to have filmed the children doing it before showing the footage to other soldiers on laptops." The newspaper further says, "David Cameron, [British Prime Minister], was said to be 'deeply shocked' last night over the claims."

The news should not be surprising for many. There are adequate number of evidences showing mistreatments of foreign soldiers in the prisons under their control in Afghanistan and Iraq.
The video showing US Marines dishonoring the dead bodies of Taliban was followed by harsh condemnations from the world including the US itself. No doubt, such actions from soldiers of a country that deems itself a great supporter of democracy and human rights are disgraceful.

If the current accusation emerge as true, it will crack the credibility of British soldiers in the minds of the people of Afghanistan as they abhor such acts. We cannot turn a blind eye to the sacrifices made by the British soldiers to protect the Afghan people against insurgents in the last ten ears. Thousands of British soldiers are currently deployed in Afghanistan and they try to protect Afghans and train and equip Afghan security forces.

Hundreds of them have lost their lives doing the same. But current allegation negates all the positive works done.
The earlier footage of US Marines and the current allegation on the two British soldiers should not be considered a systematic plan from West to harm the psychologies of Afghans. These incidents solely pertain to the soldiers involved and those should be prosecuted according to the prevailing laws in US and UK.