Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Tuesday, July 2nd, 2024

Increasing Incidents of ANA Killing ISAF Troops

The killing of four French troops by an Afghan soldier is an extremely disturbing trend which should worry Afghan leaders as well as the ISAF trainers of Afghan National Security Forces. On Friday, an ANA soldier opened fire on French troops in a camp in Tagab District of Kapisa Province killing four and injuring 16 others. The gunman has been arrested. It is not confirmed whether he is an Afghan soldier or a Taliban infiltrator.

The incidents involving attacks on coalition troops by Afghan soldiers or police have been an increasing occurrence in the last couple of years. In some cases, it has been Taliban infiltrators, and in others, Afghan soldiers have turned their guns on their trainers. Two other members of the French Foreign Legion were killed last month.

An American soldier was also killed by an ANA soldier last month. According to classified US military reports mentioned in American media, over 60 ISAF troops have been killed in incidents involving ANA soldiers turning up their guns, or Taliban infiltrators in uniform, during the last couple of years.

Such a figure could not be excused by saying that these cases are isolated. Even if rare, why such incidents happen at all? There seems to be something deeply wrong with the trainings of ANA and the understanding between Afghan and ISAF troops. There has been almost no incident where any foreign troop has opened up fire on their Afghan counterparts.

A statement from the office of President Karzai expressed sympathy and condolence on the killing of French troops, but strangely did not clearly condemn the incident and there was no mention of any investigation. Defense Minister Rahim Wardak called an immediate meeting of high officials of the ministry and reportedly a delegation has been sent to the area.

There must be thorough investigation on this particularly incident and on factors of such occurrences in general. If the ANA soldier is found to be a Taliban infiltrator, it means the recruiting process is flawed and they are failed to avoid enemy infiltration in Afghan National Security Forces, which is a matter of great concern, since they are going to be responsible for maintaining security after withdrawal of NATO troops in 2014. If the gunman in ANA uniform was an ordinary Afghan soldier, there should be a thorough investigation by the Defense Ministry on why such incidents happen.