Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Tuesday, July 2nd, 2024

A Road to Nowhere!

With the 'war against terrorism' reaching to its final phase, the controversies about the war are getting serious. In fact the war does not seem to be going towards a glorious victory; rather the facts and figures are pointing towards an uncertain conclusion to the war, which is not really encouraging. US authorities have almost made the preparations for negotiation with the Taliban, not caring much about the proper representation of Afghan people.

Though the planned negotiations are intended to bring peace and order in the country and gain the favor of Afghanistan, it seems to be widening the gap between the Afghan people and international allies. There are many ambiguities about these negotiations; Afghan people are really worried whether these negotiations are going to heal their wounds or cause them further pain.

Afghanistan has been through the reign of Taliban and they have a very ugly experience of it. They have seen the worst kind of violation of their rights under the extremist religious practices and tribal values. The extinction of Taliban regime brought for them certain hopes and they had started expecting that the Western allies would support them towards a better future. However, currently those hopes seem much distant from the expectations.

The more the reconciliation process remains secret and without the involvement of all important parties to the dispute, the further the gap between the Afghan people and Western allies widen. Currently, some of the horrors of the war are adding fuel to the fire – making the people doubtful about the role of foreign troops in the country.

These horrors have been in the form incidents that have the capacity strengthen distrust. The first incident was the release of a video that showed the US marines urinating on the corps of Taliban and the second incident, which is more recent, is the report of involvement of two British soldiers in abusing two children during their duty in Afghanistan.

The two accused soldiers are from Mercian Battle Group and the investigations have already started. It is really unfortunate to note that the victims included a boy and a girl, aged only 10 years. The incidents of the abuse of the children, as per the reports, were filmed and then shared through laptops with other servicemen.

The British MoD in this regard has mentioned, "We are aware that an allegation has been made concerning alleged inappropriate behavior by two servicemen in Afghanistan… The Royal Military Police [special investigation branch] has launched an investigation into this. We take any such allegation extremely seriously.

It would be inappropriate to comment further while an investigation is ongoing." If this allegation turns out to be true, it would be a real blow to the roles of thousand others who have sacrificed their lives in this war with positive intentions and better tomorrow for the people of Afghanistan.

Definitely, it would be inappropriate to conclude something before the investigation is complete; however, it can be easily concluded that the war in Afghanistan is getting very rough and tough. It is really becoming a burden for both who initiated it and the ones who are going through it. It has to be concluded and unfortunately it is being concluded in a hurry.

The Afghan people, especially those who are peace-loving and anti-Taliban are being neglected a part in the conclusive phase of the war. Moreover, the gap is being widened between the Afghan people and Western allies. The people have started questioning the utility of war and its outcome and the types of incidents mentioned above are further widening the gap.