Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Tuesday, July 2nd, 2024

Achievements of Past should not be Compromised

Initially when terms like "military withdrawal and transition of responsibilities" to Afghan security forces hit the domestic and international News' headlines, many Afghan officials as well as civilians used not to take them seriously, assuming them only as terms to hint Kabul officials to do their best in order to increase the capacity of security forces to a level holding the potential to deal with militants unilaterally.

The reason behind was a quasi-illusion that 'involved countries have had long-lasting interest in the country and they have been spending billions of dollars, in deed, not because of humanitarian assistance, but for the sake of their own national interest'. However, this assumption was right in a sense that Afghanistan as a heartland and hide-out of Taliban-led militants, who openly supports the global terror-networks like Al-Qaida, would have been a definite danger to peace and security of not only region but to the entire world.

But this is not a true any more. Scenario has been changed. Taliban and Al-Qaida is not any more an eminent danger that can easily overtake Kabul and establish the same theocratic government— Islamic Emirate —as it did during 90s. The worst perspective that can be imagined for a post-International community Afghanistan is "recapturing power". Many domestic and international analysts maintain that even if Taliban retakes power in Afghanistan, which is extremely unlikely, they actually would not be the same Taliban with the same mentality. They may not ban girls to get education and close down educational institutions and replace them with Madressah.

Another scenario, in the absence of international community, is "involvement of Taliban-led militants" to the ongoing political process, which is currently bearing the absolute appreciation of Hamid Karzai's administration. In this initiative, the democratic achievements of Afghan people during past ten years may not be compromised; at least, it is a thing which instantly government ensures people about.

Considering either scenarios, the US and NATO officials may not stand any longer against spiraling domestic pressures and continue putting the life of their citizens in danger and pour cash to Kabul government budget boxes that also in a period when they suffer severely from economic recession and budget deficits.

Thus, they are not kidding with Afghan government and people. The process of gradual military withdrawal already started soon and will be completed in 2014.