Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Tuesday, July 2nd, 2024

Peace Process: A Hen that Lays Golden Eggs

As compared to Taliban, Gulbuddin Hekmatyar-led Hezbi Islami – the second powerful insurgents' group in Afghanistan – shows more alacrity to peace talks with Afghan government and the United States. A group comprising representatives of Hezbi Islami held meetings in Presidential Palace about a month ago showing their intentions to peace talks.Yet, it also claims to have talked directly with US officials in respect to bring peace in Afghanistan through table talks.

On Monday January 23, 2012, Ghairat Baheer, the son in-law of Hekmatyar told Reuters that he had in recent weeks held exploratory talks with CIA Director, David Patraeus, the former commander of coalition forces in Afghanistan. Baheer said he had also met face-to-face in the last three weeks with US Ambassador, Ryan Crocker in Kabul, as well as current commander of NATO forces in Afghanistan, US General John Allen. "We had exchanges of views with the people and it was productive.

We are fully open to any peace efforts and our aim is to bring peace and stability in Afghanistan," Baheer said by phone from neighboring Pakistan.
By talking so, Hezbi Islami is trying to exhibit itself as an important group and also portrays that is supporting the negotiation process with Taliban. But, indeed, as the US leaves, the Hezb is endeavoring to make sure it will be given its share in post 2014 Afghanistan. It puts efforts to prevent its struggle – practicing violence – in the last ten years or so from going futile.

What position the US and Afghan government willgiveto Hezbi Islami in the peace talks is not yet clear. But the Reuters report confirms one thing that now members and even leaders of insurgentgroups travel into Afghanistan as freely as others.

Ghairat Baheer is in Pakistan but he has been able to talk 'face-to-face' with Ryan Crocker and General John Allen inside Afghanistan. Also, the Taliban have been able to travel to Europe and Gulf countries for holding talks with US officials. This is definitely, confidence building. With no doubt, we should be expecting the US to release Taliban leaders from Gitmo Bay quite soon, because that is also a confident building measure.

So the Taliban will have an office in Qatar, their leaders will be released from Gitmo and most probably there will somehow power sharing with them to run Afghanistan. They are Karzai's brothers and Jeo Biden's friends. For low ranking Taliban fighters who join the peace process, the government of Afghanistan is giving monetary rewards, jobs and protection. Really, now the insurgents ownthe henthat lays golden eggs.