Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Tuesday, July 2nd, 2024

A Change for Better!

A political system is established within a state so as to safeguard the rights of its people and solve the socio-political issues that may hamper the better life opportunities. If a system fulfills the challenges and solves the problems that may erupt within a state, the system is said to be an ideal system. However, it is not possible to have an ideal system in practice but something near it may be achieved with the help of political prudence and continuous efforts.

Moreover, it must never be forgotten that a political setup is a dynamic phenomenon; there have to be changes within the system so as to compensate for the ever-changing nature of human society. The need for changes arises when the system is not on the track to stability and fails to address the basic problems of a common man. The standard of living of a common man and his perceived satisfaction of socio-political scenario is one of the best ways of gauging the effectiveness of a political system.

Currently, Afghan political system does not seem to be compensating for the growing demands of time and has basic problems that do not let the system represent the diversity within the Afghan society appropriately and at the same time do not let the people out of troubles that they face.

No doubt, we can not expect Afghanistan to have a well-developed system as the democratic history in Afghanistan is very short, yet it must never be forgotten that in order to have a better system, changes have to be brought continuously as per the demands.

There are two ways of introducing changes within a system. The first one is through amendments, i.e. bringing about necessary changes within the present system while keeping the basic nature of the system intact. For example, it would be an amendment if a democratic system is kept democratic in nature and its form is changed. Such a change would not be considered a change in system. It would be rather a change in the form of government. The current change being talked about in the country is basically amendment within the system.

On the other hand, there can be changes within the overall system that actually tend to change the basic nature of the system. Such a change is basically referred to as a 'system change' and is brought about by a revolution or a military coup. For example, if a system changes from a democracy to a dictatorship or from Capitalism to Socialism, it will be a 'system change'. Actually a 'system change' or a revolution is what a government has to bother about.

Amendments within a system are very much normal and there should not be a very strict stand on these sort of changes within a system because it would bring a society to a halt and would hamper its natural growth. Moreover, a democratic system is always a dynamic system and keeps on checking the possibilities of positive changes.

It is the characteristic of a dictatorial government that dislikes changes and strives to maintain the status quo. The great democracies in the world have acquired their mature systems after many years of evolution. Changing from very immature and preliminary stages they have reached to today's position where they have been able to address most of the problems of their people.

Their example is great guidance for the authorities in our country if they are really interested in establishing a strong political system and a reliable infra-structure upon which the future political setup can be built. Nevertheless, for that they have to give a great sacrifice and that is the sacrifice of their personal gains for the betterment of the majority of the people.