Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Tuesday, July 2nd, 2024

Peace, a Catchword Manipulated by the Government

Peace or making peace is the catchword used nowadays by both national and international officials. President Karzai was the first who initiated the process and began to call the Taliban militants that have killed many innocent people and continue to do so as his "unhappy brothers" who need to be appeased. Afghan people wish that Taliban could be reconciled and return to the fold as brothers but unfortunately it is the Taliban outfits that repudiate the people and even president Karzai as their upsetting brothers.

Afghanistan has witnessed civil conflicts before but the case of Taliban is different from all those infighting. The Taliban militants are not ready to give up their totalitarian ideology, which deprives human being of education, freedom and leads to violation of human and women's rights in the society.

Taliban's momentum and capability to continue to fight the government and its international backers is weakened and broken. But the talks about peace talks over the last years have provided context for them to emerge more powerful in the psyche of Afghan people.

President Karzai and his government unfortunately have contributed to the prevalence of Taliban's fear over some local communities by restricting counter-insurgency operations conducted by foreign and Afghan security forces in the country.

Taliban militants exploited president Karzai's sensitivity towards some specific and effective tactics to seep into the localities and use civilians as human shields against the strikes conducted by coalition and Afghan forces in areas that remain under the Taliban's sway.

In the meanwhile, there is not any agreement between Afghan government and international community over the way of proceeding with peace and reconciliation process. These differences of views have rendered the process as ineffective.

For instance, the US has agreed to the opening of Taliban's office in Qatar to serve as an address for the group. This was initially opposed by Afghan government. Now Afghan government has called for the talks to take place in Saudi Arabia or Turkey even if the militants begin to operate in Qatar.

As a result, this dubious and flawed peace process has just led to the psychological victory of hardline Taliban. In addition, whatever president Karzai does is based on his aim to strengthen his own corrupt network of patronage and to cling to power by hook or crook.

So any process that per see could be right and based on Afghans' will and yearning is manipulated by president Karzai and the corrupt circles around him. It is time for other popular political parties and coalitions to come forward to prevent such a manipulation.