Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Tuesday, July 2nd, 2024

Muhammad (PBUH): The Prophet of Peace

Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) is the last messenger of Allah Almighty. He was born in Rabi al Awwal - the third month of Islamic calendar. He was born on the 12 of Rabi al Awwal (February 4th), although celebrations continue throughout the week. The message of Mohammad is the message of peace. Islam is the religion of peace. About fourteen hundreds years back, it changed the lives of Arabs bringing them out of ignorance and blessing their lives with knowledge of knowing themselves and their creator.

The light of peace did not remain confined to Arab world and soon spread to other parts of the globe. Prophet Muhammad was the man behind Islam. Almighty Allah in the Holly Quran says about His prophet "And We have not sent you (O Muhammad) except as a mercy to mankind" (Al-Anbiyah, The Prophets 21:107).

Prophet Muhammad implemented the religion of Allah, practicing consistency, patience and strong will and determination. Behind the success of Islam, there are also sacrifices of countless people who, for the will of Allah, sacrificed their lives and everything else. Muslim Scholars have left behind their vast knowledge of sciences and arts – valuable asset for today's and future human beings.

Today Islam is the religion of more than 1.57 billion people. There are serious challenges ahead of Muslims as serious misperceptions about Islam persist in the minds of the people across the globe. These misperceptions up to a great extent have been given birth by the misuses of religion to achieve particular political goals.

Prophet Muhammad was active as a diplomat, merchant, philosopher, orator, legislator, reformer, military general, and, according to Muslim belief, an agent of divine action. His teachings can not be limited to the Muslims only as all the human beings on this planet can benefit from them.

Throughout his life, he preached Islam. The processing of preaching and inviting other people to Islam still continues and will continue. Muhammad, practically, taught people not to oppress and never be the oppressed, respect the followers of other religions, apply justice in their lives and avoid treating women harshly. He declared education 'a must' for both men and women.

Today there is a need for bridging the gap between Islam and the West. No any part of Prophet Muhammad's teachings is aimed at harming humanity, but for peace, harmony and mutual respect. Islam condemns terrorism in all its forms and shapes. Therefore, linking extremism and terrorism with the religion of Islam is nothing except a great injustice with this religion. Terrorism, indeed, has no religion, nation or country.