Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Tuesday, July 2nd, 2024

Engaging in Qatar and Killing in Kandahar

Earlier, the US vice-president Joe Biden awarded the Taliban a non-enemy status as He said: 'That's critical. There is not a single statement that the president has ever made in any of our policy assertions that the Taliban is our enemy because it threatens U.S. interests.' The US and Afghan government have attempted to recognize the Taliban as a political force that should be included into a future peace process in Afghanistan.

The Afghan government long ago called them as brothers that remain unhappy with other brothers. On the other hand, loyal opposition groups and civil society circles believe that the Taliban continue to stick to their destructive ideology and remain connected with terrorist networks in the region and in the world.

They caution Afghan government and international community against any hasty negotiation with the Taliban. These Loyal oppositions and particularly women's rights groups state that the Taliban militants must denounce violence, break links with terrorists and recognize women's human rights when are reconciled to join normal life.

But despite the relative lull of the winter, which should have evolved into full calm given the ongoing reported negotiations between the Taliban and representatives from some major countries, Taliban militants continue to kill people.

To our unmitigated chagrin, on Sunday, February 05, 2012, an explosion in Kandahar killed 5 police personnel and two civilians. The explosion, which occurred near a police headquarters, injured 19 more people. When Taliban's office is allowed to open in Qatar and they are put into the peace process, they must cease violence if they really want to help security and peace be restored in the country.

The Taliban militants have announced their willingness to work out an understanding with international community about the situation down the road in Afghanistan. But they continue to carry out terrorist attacks. It shows that the militants want to engage Afghan government and international community in a dubious process while they themselves are involved in regrouping and attempting to gain military upper hand in the country by terrifying the people and bringing about an environment of fear.

Taliban are now smart enough to engage international community in Qatar and kill people in Kandahar to show both their warfare tactic and diplomatic skills. It also indicates that international community and Afghan government, by diverting the whole attention and resources to peace talks, are providing additional pretext for the Taliban militants to prepare themselves for any round of atrocity in the country.