Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Tuesday, July 2nd, 2024

A Reformist Move against the Backdrop of a Treacherous Dream and a Dictatorial Behavior

It is now a few years that the discourse, at international level, about the war in Afghanistan has changed from nation-building and state-building to an "honorable exit" of troop contributing nations. It is a catastrophic mistake being made by Afghanistan's international allies and backers. Due to years of civil strife in Afghanistan, there is a continuing lack of trust among different identity groups.

And there are still propensities among some ethnic circles to make attempt at monopolizing power through undemocratic and extra-constitutional means. Since the shift in discourse about Afghanistan, the trends show that the domineering clique has been trying to tighten its grip on the power by hook or crook.

International community themselves, by leaving democratic development to Afghans to move forward and focusing on quick fixes to temporarily secure the country in order to pave the ground for their withdrawal, provided president Karzai with a pretext to arbitrarily violate the constitution and laws, and threaten international community for pushing the government to stamp out the rampant corruption that has plagued the current administration throughout the country, and has widened the gap between the government and people.

President Hamid Karzai's threatening to join his upset brothers, the Taliban militants, and declare international community- that has sincerely invested much in treasure and blood- as occupiers, could be analyzed in this context. This statement went against the grains of Afghan people who have suffered innumerably and colossally from the Taliban's atrocities during their regime and over the last ten years.

This unconsidered remark was also against the generosity demonstrated by international community during the last five years. That is why former US ambassador to Kabul in one of his speeches painfully expressed the feelings hurt and injured by the so-called Afghan leader, saying that they were left without any rationale to justify their sacrifices in Afghanistan when they stand before American nation.

It was based on the very propensity to monopolize power and restore a certain ethnic domineering that president Karzai launched his abortive campaign to legitimize the Taliban's continued violence and cruel insurgency as "upset" or "unhappiness" of brothers that should be appeased by all other internal and actors that have fought to keep these evil forces at bay because president Karzai p began to presume the Taliban innocent and the others wrong.

This radical change in president Karzai's nature and behaviors emanated from the bitter fact that international community changed their views of Afghanistan's democratic development and focused on how to get rid and walk out of Afghanistan.

By the same token, Taliban and other insurgents found a new hope to begin to nurture again their dream of returning to run an Islamic Emirate in Afghanistan. Against the backdrop of president Karzai's dictatorial behavior and Taliban's treacherous dream of coming back to rule repressively and atrociously, some major political parties and coalitions have launched a national dialogue to save country from declining into another round of chaos.

This national debate is about reforming the political system and power structures to make the government and rulers accountable to nation. This is a very responsible campaign initiated by the National Front of Afghanistan and espoused by the National Coalition of Afghanistan- the two together make up more than 60 percent constituency in the country. International community must do their moral obligation to back the move in order to bring a permanent democratic political stability to this troubled part of the world.