Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Tuesday, July 2nd, 2024

On The Diplomats’ Clash

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has confirmed that a physical battle has occurred among some staff of Afghan embassy based in Washington. A physical fighting is per secondemnable but it must be intolerable when it happens between the diplomats that have to represent our country's interests in other countries. This news is really disappointing and shocking for the whole nation.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs must follow this issue seriously. Afghanistan is visualized as a violent country. Such issues can add to that. Unfortunately, there have been the cases of intolerance and bottle fighting in the parliament as well.

There is a need for a comprehensive measure to be taken to improve the culture of tolerance and avoid such embarrassing manifestation of intolerance and incivility. If the diplomats of a country are not able to develop good communication, mutual understanding and good relations with one another, how can they contribute to achieving the main goal of the job as a diplomat, which is to simply maintain good relations with the country in question? A diplomat must be trustworthy and be able to earn the trust of other countries in their own country.

This needs communication and understanding. The diplomats must be the mirrors of the country in other countries. To be so, they have to represent the interests of the country and do not damage their national prestige at the international and inter-state levels.

The shocking news of the physical clash between our country's diplomats suggest that they are following their personal interests and not working to protect the interests of the citizens and interact with the officials in the US for interests of our country.

This also shows that the appointment of the diplomats is not based on merits and their ability to work to preserve their country's national prestige and promote it at the international level. Unfortunately, it is favoritism and nepotism and corrupt network built by Afghan government that plays roles in appointment of the diplomats. Those who get into this network can be appointed even if they do not have the required competence and knowledge.