Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Tuesday, July 2nd, 2024

Military Arrangements and Political Reforms

Strategic agreement between Afghanistan and the US is under discussion. Leon Panetta, the United States Secretary of Defense said in the US senate session that the US is in negotiation with Afghan authorities to sign a security agreement that would allow his country to maintain its military presence in Afghanistan after 2014, when international forces are slated to leave the country.

There is a strong desire in Afghanistan for a long-term strategic partnership with the US. Afghanistan has already signed security agreements with Britain, Italy and France. But unfortunately Afghan government, particularly president Hamid Karzai has demonstrated no ability to make the most of this opportunity to ensure a long-term partnership that could help move the country towards permanent stability and prosperity.

The president has always insisted on some tactical issues and short-term political considerations- usually for his own vested interests-instead of focusing on strategic and national security interests of the country. Currently, the US has about 90 thousand troops deployed in Afghanistan to operate in the fight against the Taliban insurgents and other terrorists that come into the country.

In addition to the US, there are other troop contributing nations as well. They have had some successes and achievements over the last ten years of their presence in Afghanistan but this presence is yet to bring an end to the lingering suffering, continued deaths and destructions that Afghan people are going through.

There is a growing fear that Afghanistan could decline into deep insecurity and chaos after the withdrawal of international forces if a stable political system is not left behind, Taliban insurgents are not weakened enough and if an effective government, which is free from corruption and accountable to the people, is not built.

Leon Panetta has said that based on the possible security agreement the US would continue to be involved in the counter-terrorism operations and activities, and provide intelligence, surveillance and logistical support for Afghan security forces. It should be mentioned that these continued supports will be helpful for Afghanistan from military perspective.

But in order to stabilize Afghanistan permanently, only military arrangement is not enough if a broader political reform initiative is not supported. So, international community in general and the US in particular must work with Afghan political actors and groups to implement political reforms, too. These should include changing the current power structure, administrative apparatus and electoral processes.