Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Tuesday, July 2nd, 2024

Dishonoring of the Holy Koran Would Harm Int’l Community’s Credibility

The US has been blowing the trumpets of human rights, democracy and justice and claiming to support the same values in countries like Afghanistan. But incidents where its soldiers act against the disciplines, laws, traditions and customs negate all those claims.

More than ten years of the presence of foreign troops in Afghanistan have passed but it seems like they are still unaccustomed to customs, tradition and beliefs of the people of Afghanistan. From time to time, the NATO troops have been found guilty in acts of disgracing Islam or stepping over the honor of Afghans. Recently a huge number of religious materials including the Holy Koran were thrown out of the Bagram Air Base.

NATO has called it 'improper disposal' of those materials. Although NATO commander in Afghanistan, US General, John Allen, said that the incident had not been intentional and apologized for it, dozens of antagonized Afghans protested against the incident chanting anti-US slogans near the base.

This is not first time. In less than two months this is the third incident that has been revealed questioning the attitude of foreign soldiers towards Afghans' beliefs and tradition. A video was released in January showing four US soldiers urinating on three dead bodies of Taliban fighters.

The dead bodies are treated with respect in almost all religions. The incident was condemned world-wide but there are no reports on hand about the prosecution of the soldiers involved. In the same month, the British newspaper 'The Sun' reported that Two British soldiers had been arrested over claims of abusing Afghan children aged about ten. The newspaper said, "The accused pair — a sergeant and a private in the Mercian Battle Group — allegedly encouraged a boy and a girl to touch them through their clothes."

International soldiers have been involved in inhumane treatments of war prisoners in Iraq and Afghanistan since long, which is in confrontation to the international laws. They have been accused of dishonoring religious places and materials such as the Holy Koran in Afghanistan.

These kinds of incidents have done much to widen the gap of trust between Afghans and the international community. The US has been blowing the trumpets of human rights, democracy and justice and claiming to support the same values in countries like Afghanistan.

But incidents where its soldiers act against the disciplines, laws, traditions and customs negate all those claims. The US and its allies have to take such issues as 'very serious,' and prosecute the culprits accordingly in order to prevent from losing their credibility further in the eyes of Afghans and Muslims.