Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Tuesday, July 2nd, 2024

No Politicization of Public Protests

The recent events and happenings in the country show the high fragility here. Following news on burning the Holy Koran in Bagram Base, street protests began and violent reactions spread across Afghanistan. To prevent further violence, President Hamid Karzai launched a television appeal for calm. In a televised message, Karzai condemned "in the harshest terms" the desecration of the holy book of Islam and called for the punishment of those responsible, but he then asked his countrymen to stop the violence.

Where the extremism in Afghanistan is directed to, will the government manage to overcome extremist misuses of events and happening and how the insurgency rate will change with the extremists exploitation of domestic and foreign issues to promote violence, hatred and instability. The recent violent demonstrations and the overall emerging violent trends in the country indicate that the nation will face the music if government fails to control the expanding extremist moves under the veil of public protests against the disgusting practice of some foreign soldiers or Afghan employees in Bagram Base.

Historic annals clearly say that, in Afghanistan, it is not difficult to whip up an angry mob by exhorting people to defend Islam. Afghanistan is known for its deep-seated religious conservatism, and perceived insults to the Muslim faith have triggered deadly riots in the past. Violent repercussions of the Koran-burning at Bagram Base has helped further destabilizing the fragile situation here, with many people killed and dozens injured across the country. Demonstrators torched cars, smashed windows and tried to occupy government buildings and kill foreign citizens in capital Kabul and across the provinces.

Of course, desecration of any religion will have no logic and is a great offense of international ethical norms and the human rights principles. International forces in Afghanistan should have learnt previously that certain sacrilegious actions will bring about sad consequences.

However, they have announced it has done made by mistake and many high ranking US and NATO officials made apologies to the nation. So, unwise move against such happenings indicate that there are certain potentials that people's sentiments may be misused by extremist groups.

Taliban and Al Qaeda use the opportunity to recruit more mercenaries and launch violent and destabilizing demonstrations across the country. To change the situation, the people would need to get their political and religious awareness raised to wisely approach similar incidents in future while the government holds the ultimate responsibility to control any unwanted moves and avoid politicizing the problem to push forward her contentions with international partners.