Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Tuesday, July 2nd, 2024

Grave Consequences of the Demonstrations

President Karzai and other senior Government officials and parliamentarians have said protest demonstrations are the right of Afghans to express their anger against the disposal of Koran at Bagram. It is beyond understanding why they are reluctant to clearly condemn the madness and violence started since last week that has taken about 40 lives so far.

It shows utter security failure and Government incapability to control the situation. Police failed to avoid the killings. Yet some MPs and Senators are calling for the protest demonstrations to continue. What will take them to come to their senses and call for an immediate halt to the mob-violence that has grave consequences for Afghanistan?

President Obama has apologized. The US Commander in Afghanistan General John Alen and other senior American officials have also apologized. President Karzai said a delegation comprising of MPs and government officials have been sent to investigate the incident. Obama himself has promised punishment for those involved in the burning. It is obvious that the burnings are not unintentional and a mistake.

It is the responsibility of our religious and political leadership to tell people to stop the violent demonstrations. Ulema Council should urge masses to avoid violence and burning of public property. Though it is already late, but they need to speak. The protest demonstrations can spread for longer period and it has other consequences for Afghanistan in the long term.

At this time of security crisis, the Defense and Interior ministers were about to leave for Washington. Pentagon cancelled their meetings asking them to focus on security improvement in the country. It seems the senior Government officials and our political leadership have yet not realized the long-term consequences and the immediate threat of the violence that has erupted since last week.

UNAMA is evacuating its staff from Kunduz after the attack on their office on Saturday as a result of which four protesters were killed. UNAMA statement says the evacuation will be a relocation of the staff to another duty station inside Afghanistan and that it will be temporary.

Meanwhile, there is no update on whereabouts of Abdul Saboor, the employee of Ministry of Interior who killed two senior US advisors inside the MOI building on Saturday. NATO advisors from all ministries have been called back. The Canadian Embassy cancelled its meetings in different ministries regarding projects. It seems these consequences are minor for our shameless senior Government officials.