Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Tuesday, July 2nd, 2024

Recent Arrests by NDS Exposes the Fact

About day after the killing of two foreign advisers in Ministry of Interior (MoI), the National Directorate of Security (NDS) said it has arrested four government officials in connection with spying for neighboring countries. Of them one worked for Ministry of Foreign Affairs and three others were employees of local organizations, Lutfullah Mashal, NDS spokesman said. "NDS has evidences on hand that proves these people were spying for two of our neighboring countries by sending them secret official documents." No details regarding identity of arrestees have been provided.

Previously, police and army officers were arrested for the same reason. The arrests increase concerns amid claims by Taliban to have infiltrated ranks of Afghan National Army and Police. Over the last few years, dozens of foreign soldiers and mentors have killed in the hands of Taliban sympathizers working for Afghan government. Such moves, no doubt, have had negative impacts over the morale of NATO troops and have created a 'trust rift' between them and Afghan security forces.

The killing of four French soldiers in Kapisa province in January by an Afghan soldier caused that country to announce that it would withdraw its complete forces from Afghanistan by the end of 2013 – a year before what NATO countries had committed last year in Lisbon.

The arrests also point towards the weak control in government organizations. Individuals are hired with no background checks. Only those with strong affiliation to political figures are able to get jobs on important position as recruitments are not based on merit, experience and education background. There is doubt that people connected to spy agencies of foreign countries hold important positions in Afghan government organizations, even the presidential palace.

There is a high domestic demand for broad-based reforms in Afghan government system. The current system has grown so weak due rampant corruption and hypocrisy that is unable to protect the basic rights of the people of Afghanistan. Nonetheless, President Karzai has shown rigidity to any kind of change for improving good governance, rule of law, judicial system and other important areas.