Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Tuesday, July 2nd, 2024

Civilians Go Home; Military Battles

With instability spreading across the country, Afghan government remains in a wavering position to address the current and potential challenges once the international forces will have left the country. The biggest achievement in military is now doubted as more Taliban members appear to have penetrated the Afghan security apparatus. Following the very beginning cases of Afghan forces attack on their international partners, the government announced it had begun screening security forces to clear lying enemies and prevent further infiltrations.

It has now proved a failed attempt with Taliban leadership alleging to have more reserve sympathetic members in Afghan security bodies. Moreover, there have been a series of ill-fated deals with unknown figures allegedly representing Taliban leadership. The deadly attacks on Afghan and NATO forces have somewhat been facilitated by certain vicious elements operating inside Afghan government bodies. The forces' weak performances have, on the other hand, raised concern on their ability to undertake the job on their own.

In addition, the potential public riots that have frequently emerged on different occasions and further destabilizing consequences indicate a worrying future for the feeble stabilization mission in Afghanistan. The recent public riots in response to the alleged Quran burning in Bagram Base demonstrated a strong potential of anarchy and disorder among public.

As result of the widespread anger, murder of the two US advisors inside the ministry of interior painted a completely hazy picture of Afghanistan's future. Some European countries that have their forces and civilian advisors stationed in Afghanistan put a halt on their civilian assistance to Afghan government institutions. The US said it is not ready to allow its advisers to return to work at the Afghan offices. NATO, France, Britain and the U.S. pulled their advisers from the ministries after the shootings, which remains unsolved.

Accordingly, the wave of fear hit Afghanistan over how the government would handle challenges. US's drawdown in military and civilian assistance to Afghanistan was questioned over the recent fearful incident. However, the US has promised to strongly continue military operations on the field despite the horror created by unruly mobs protesting across the country, killing people and destroying properties, with President Karzai administration hopelessly watching the happenings.

Pentagon announced on Monday the U.S. military is fully committed to its mission in Afghanistan and has no plans to change its strategy despite the recent deadly violence that has shaken already fragile relations between Americans and their Afghan partners.