Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Tuesday, July 2nd, 2024

Afghan Tortured Killed in Indonesia

Over the last thirty years, the lives of Afghan people have been at great stake both inside and outside their country. USSR invasion of Afghanistan, the civil war and then the Taliban brutal era caused millions Afghans to migrate to neighboring and other countries of the world. Even after the ouster of Taliban government in 2001, the plights of Afghans are still at large compelling them to leave their country and travel in search of a better life, all at the cost of their lives.

Frequently Afghans get killed on the way to Europe and Australia and other countries of the world. On Sunday, February 26, an Afghan 28-years-old Muhammad Taqi, who wanted to reach Australia, was tortured killed in an Indonesian detention center.

The asylum seeker was among a group of five recaptured after escaping from the Pontianak Detention Centre on the Indonesian part of the island of Borneo. When his body was examined at the morgue, doctors found evidence that he had been beaten with a blunt object.

They also found wounds resembling cigarette burns and marks on the man's wrists where he'd been bound. Eye witness at the detention center say Taqi had broken his legs by jumping down the wall of detention center. He needed immediate medical attention but instead of that the guards tortured him by giving him electric shocks, which resulted in his death.

The incident is against international laws and basic human rights but neither has Indonesian government taken serious measures for investigation nor has the Afghan government given any attention. Even the UN office for refuges and other concerned organizations are mum.

Every year, thousands of Afghans illegally travel to various countries of the world. They try to escape the severe insurgency and lack of employment opportunities in Afghanistan. In the recent years, despite strict immigration rules in many advanced countries, the number of Afghans immigrants reaching Australia, Europe and other developed countries of the world has dramatically increased.

The death of Taqi comes at times when in December a boat carrying about 400 people, mostly Afghans and Pakistanis went down en route to Christmas Island of Australia. Only about 50 were rescued. The Afghan government should seriously urge the Indonesian authorities to seriously investigate Taqi's case and take measures to prevent such incidents in the future.