Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Tuesday, July 2nd, 2024

Karzai’s Behavior Makes or Breaks

Reports say that the US has suspended talks on strategic agreement with Afghanistan. This strategic agreement is imperative for the long-term stability of Afghanistan and political groups and people in the country back this. But unfortunately President Hamid Karzai has been bidding to gain personal political advantages from the ongoing negotiation about this partnership.

To this end, the president convened traditional Loya Jirga last year to showcase that his positions on the strategic agreement with the US are based on popular support. Now, the reported suspension of the talks by the US is attributed to president Karzai's insistence on conditions he has set for striking the deal.

These preconditions include handover of Taliban and other terrorist prisoners to Afghan authorities and an end to night raids. But observers are of the view that there is not enough capacity in Afghanistan to assume the responsibility for handling the prisoners and carry out night raids independently.

Zalmai Khalilzad, former US Ambassador to Afghanistan, has recently said, "Practically, and based on current capacities and the previous experiences in Afghanistan, it requires some time before Afghan are able to take over all responsibilities.

It is not in the interest of Afghanistan, if responsibilities are taken over before having the necessary ability to do so." This is viewed to be a last chance for Afghanistan to find a permanent strong partner that will be able to assist the country financially, politically and militarily.

President Karzai's erratic behavior and his insistence on temporary issues will be detrimental to the long-term interests of Afghanistan as it seeks to get cushioned from the interferences by hostile neighbors, and emerge as a peaceful and prosperous country. Unfortunately, the power is centralized in the hand of the president and he does not consult with political parties and civil society organizations on the issue.

Instead, he follows his own whimsical interests in what is believed to contribute to the future stability of Afghanistan, both politically and economically. Political parties and civil society groups should join forces to put pressure on the president and not allow him to miss this opportunity. President Karzai's volatile behavior should not be allowed to make or break and determine the destiny of the country. Such a destiny must be based on the national interests our country and people.