Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Tuesday, July 2nd, 2024

Controversies May Become Clashes

The controversies about Iran's nuclear program are becoming very much serious. United States of America has been insisting on tightening the sanctions against Iran so as to make it turn more flexible regarding its stand. It has mentioned clearly that its nuclear program is totally friendly and does not possess threat to world peace. However, US, Israel and European countries have clearly mentioned that Iran's nuclear program must be checked thoroughly. Israel, a traditional rival of Iran, has mentioned that it would not hesitate to launch an attack on Iran if it does not revise its nuclear intentions.

Iran, on the other hand, has also threatened to stop supply of oil to the international market if the sanctions are kept continue. Currently, US showed great concerns about the gas pipeline project between Pakistan and Iran. Pakistan has been pressurized to cancel the project as there are sanctions implemented against Iran. US has mentioned that Pakistan can also face difficulties if it continues its economic relations with Iran. The possibilities of clashes are evident if it does not show flexible attitude regarding its nuclear program.

Apart from its nuclear program, Iran is also facing opposition regarding its role in Middle East. It has been accused of playing a negative role in the region. Recently, some of the international news agencies have reported that Iran has been supporting the Syrian government troops against opposition. The reports say, "The aid from Iran is increasing, and is increasingly focused on lethal assistance... They've supplied equipment, weapons and technical assistance -- even monitoring tools -- to help suppress unrest... Iranian security officials also traveled to Damascus to help deliver this assistance." These reports are going to further increase the concerns and the pressure of US and Israel on Iran and can raise the possibilities of war.

It is really necessary that the issue of Iran's nuclear program should be resolved with peace. US and European countries must strive to reopen the negotiation channels and International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) must also try to exert it stand. It must deal with the situation in accordance to its merit and support the international community in having full understanding of Iran's nuclear program.

UN should make every effort to play its role in an unbiased manner and Iran should also start showing some flexibility regarding its stand and its role in the Middle East region because if the controversies are not resolved they can easily become clashes and those clashed can easily invite war.