Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Tuesday, July 2nd, 2024

Mr. President Supports Ulema’s Guidelines

President Hamid Karzai supported the guideline of Afghan Ulema Council regarding sex-segregation. Last Friday, Ulema council, in meeting with President Karzai, submitted a declaration, which is released monthly by the council, noticed that women should be separated from men in all social spheres. It also says that according to verse one and thirty four chapter of Nisa, men are dominant and women are followers. The statement is not unfamiliar with Afghan culture as women are deemed second rate citizen.

In the best form, the declaration strengthens the current status of women as inferior sex, and in the worst would preach talibanism.

Mr. President supported the guideline on the basis that it was designed to support Afghan women and appreciate cultural and Islamic values.

The declaration followed by criticisms by human rights activists, saying that sex segregation is impossible and, moreover, a blunt violation of women rights. Fawzia Koffi, a member of parliament in reaction to guideline said the Ulema forgot their true task of preaching Islamic and moral values; rather they are indulged in politics and politicization of Islam. "they have to guide people to recite holy Quran, worship Allah almighty, avoid violence, value Islamic values, instead of touching politically touchy issues", she added.

It should be noticed that Ulema council does not have any legal value. Means it does not bear any legal obligation for the government to put in practice the contents of declaration. But no doubt it has de facto impact as people are extremely religious and religious scholars are profoundly influential.

The Ulema guidelines may not be worrisome if it remains as a mere moral guidance, but Mr. President in meeting with President of Poland voiced out his support.

Experts maintain that Mr. President has largely tilted towards Ulema and religious scholars recently and regularly meets them. The reason behind is to motivate Taliban-led militants to negotiate with his administration. Taliban has constantly refused to talk with government, saying that the government is not authorized.

Additionally, the notion of Mr. President is not clear about women. His support to Ulema's guidelines is apparent opposition to the principle of equality, because there men are prioritized.