Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Tuesday, July 2nd, 2024

Sticking to Unjust Narratives

Afghanistan's attempts to have a radical departure from unjust narratives appear to be foundering and there are inclinations towards realignment with the Taliban and other lunatic fringes. President Hamid Karzai on Tuesday, March 06, 2012 endorsed a guideline published by the Ulema Council that calls for segregation of males and females at workplaces, educational centers and marketplaces. President Karzai said that "The clerics' council of Afghanistan did not put any limitations on women. It is the Shariah law of all Muslims and all Afghans." Afghan people are tired of these Taliban-style limitations imposed by opportunists on them.

Today is 8th March, the International Day of Women. Women in Arab world are celebrating the achievements they made through their role in Arab Spring. But Afghan women have begun to worry about the gains they have made over the last ten years.

They are also concerned about possible increase in violence against women in the families and communities as a result of the code of conduct, which allows husbands to beat wives under certain circumstances and encourages segregation of the sexes.

It shows that all approaches are without theoretical foundations. President Karzai's endorsement of the strict code of conduct is intended to reach out to the Taliban. It is indicative of his broader policy that he has pursued over the last few years in dealing with Taliban.

It is clear-cut that president Karzai's unhappy brothers had the most loathsome treatment of women and girls when they were ruling Afghanistan. Before the Taliban were toppled in late 2001 with the help of international community led by the Unites States of America, girls were banned by the brutal regime from going to school and women had to wear burqas that covered them from head to toe.

Women were not allowed to leave their homes without a male relative as an escort. International community must not fail to fulfill their humanitarian responsibilities towards the country and must help democratic forces move the democratic processes forward.

Afghanistan Independent Human Rights (AIHRC), in a new report, has expressed about drop in the presence of women in government agencies and senior political leadership. All these incidents show a treacherous trend and will definitely have negative impacts on the future course of stability and peace in the country.