Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Tuesday, July 2nd, 2024

Agreement on Prisons’ Control, Night Raids

After months of unrealistic demands of the transfer of detention centers from the US control to Afghan security forces, for the strategic partnership agreement between the two countries, a memorandum of understanding has been signed between Defense Minister Rahim Wardak and the American military commander Gen Allen. At a point, it had reached to tense deadlock last week when some American officials threatened to withdraw from the negotiations process for the strategic agreement, and National Security Advisor Ranging Dadfar Spanta also warned President Karzai to resign if he did not relax his demands.

According to the MOU, the transfer of prison operations will be accelerated during the coming six months. American forces will continue to oversight the detention centers and have veto power against release of any prisoner. They will also have access to prisoners for interrogation. It is breakthrough and positive development, at a time when President Karzai was continuing his reiteration on the ruining path.

The demands of immediate and full transfer were unrealistic and impossible. It was more political than practical. It is a risk for the international coalition forces and Afghans doubtful of the capacity of our National Security Forces to transfer control of such a huge detention center with high-risk insurgents. The Taliban breakaway from Kandahar prison is a recent example. There are over 3200 detainees at Bagram. Most of them are notorious Taliban insurgents and other militants.

Talks are going on for another memorandum of understanding about night raids, another issue regarding the finalization of the strategic partnership pact for presence of US troops beyond 2014.

After the bulk of NATO withdrawal, there will be small number of US troops that the Obama Administration is planning to keep in Afghanistan beyond 2014. They will largely depend on special operations, in which night raids by Special Forces is prime tactic.

National Security Advisor Ranging Dadfar Spanta and American Ambassador Ryan Crocker are to be credited for the successful agreement on transfer of detention centers. A similar approach is needed for the understanding on night raids.

President Karzai understands it well that he cannot gamble with the future of Afghanistan at the cost of his personal political priorities. After the withdrawal of NATO troops, if a significant number of American troops do not stay, Afghanistan will soon plunge into civil war and chaos. President Karzai will be the first person to depart Kabul Airport.

The Government need to soon finalize the MOUs and finalize the strategic partnership talks. There might be further demands and contentions later, as President Karzai wants it to be an agreement, while the Americans are calling it a 'document' or pact.