Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Tuesday, July 2nd, 2024

The Bogus Claim of Militants

Two suicide bombings in Helmand and Kandahar, the two previous strongholds of Taliban militants left nine killed and many more injured. Both attacks likely organized to target foreign soldiers but no foreign citizen killed or injured. All victims were innocent Afghan citizens. The attacks carried out simultaneous to arrival of US defense Secretary, Mr. Leon Panetta, who was about to visit the country few days ago, but due to tense situation and bursting of anti-American sentiments after Holy Quran burning and shooting of civilians by an American soldier in Panjwae district of Kandahar province. Both incidents fuelled anti-American sentiments and strengthened the status of Taliban-led insurgencies.

In the case of Holy Quran burning, Taliban leaders called on Afghan civilians and soldiers to turn their arms against foreign forces. And they also warned that they would avenge the murder of 16 civilians shot dead by a US soldier in Kandahar. It is widely believed that recent incidents have further darkened the gap between Afghans and foreign allies. Washington officials alarmed Soldiers to take necessary security precaution for possible retaliatory attacks. Meanwhile, militants have increased attacks across the country under the veil of so-called retaliation for humiliation and killing of innocent civilians.

With such bogus claims, they are trying to show that they are beside civilians and against their enemies; and through this policy want to attract the attention of civilians and strengthen their public standings. However, due to overwhelming anger simmered from both disgusting and faulty incidents, they could succeed somehow as the assassination of American soldiers by Afghan security associates shows. But there are something that Afghan people should notice.

I have always emphasized that claims of Taliban are mere phony flirting to achieve their own goals and objectives. While in the case of Bagram incident, more then thirty people lost lives and many more injured. Why such protests are not organized against Taliban? Since 2001, how many schools are burned down by militants. Weren't there Holy Quran or any other religious books? In Afghanistan, it can be claimed with certainty that there are no schools without Holy Quran or many other religious books?

In the case of civilian killings. Just in one day to suicidal bombings carried out killed more then nine innocent Afghan civilians. And since 2001, thousands of people are killed by militants.
How they are coming and fighting for the dead of few poor women and children shot dead by mentally disordered soldier? Hope Afghan people notice it and do not fall for bogus claims of militants.