Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Tuesday, July 2nd, 2024

Teenagers Killed for Friendship

Two teenagers have been brutally killed in Ghazni province of Afghanistan. A girl aged 12 and a boy aged 15 have been killed in acid attack, an official said Saturday, with witnesses claiming it was because of their friendship in what is an ultra-conservative country. The bodies were discovered on Friday in wasteland in the Esfandi area of Ghazni province in south central Afghanistan, provincial police Chief Zorawar Zahid told AFP. "Their bodies and faces were burnt by acid," he said. This is the latest episode of violation of human rights in Afghanistan and indicates how traditional values ride over the minds of the people.

Afghanistan is the worst place for women in the world. That is because this is the land where women have been deprived of their basic rights for centuries. The incident is an indicator of the fact the illiteracy and ignorance are still deep in Afghanistan – a condition quite favorable for Taliban. Taliban were ousted from power in 2001 but the international community and the Afghan government have failed to oust them from the lives of the people of Afghanistan. Taliban have great influence in a major portion of Afghanistan and they quite openly apply their rules over the people.

In the last ten years, the Karzai government has been blowing trumpet of women rights in Afghanistan. Nonetheless, incidents of acid attacks, tortures and self-immolation are quite becoming in the country. It is due to the failure of government in protecting the rights of women and providing the people with right justice.

Amid the withdrawal plan of the international community and the Afghan government having in mind to enter a deal with Taliban, concerns have multiplied over the women losing what they have gained in the last ten years.
The killing of teenagers can neither be justified in our religion nor the constitutional law of Afghanistan. The government should take necessary measures to identify culprits and investigate the case seriously.