Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Tuesday, July 2nd, 2024

Quetta has Turned the Worst Place for Hazaras

The systematic target killings of the Hazara community continue heart- wrenchingly unabated. The road between Mariabad and Hazara town Burory, the two main locations of the Hazaras in Quetta city has become horrendously dangerous and risky during past few months. They generally avoid traveling, and if they travel, there is no guarantee to turn safely back home.

I have received reports from the city, quoting that mothers cry and ask their young sons to avoid leaving house because there is no certainty if they would be able to see their sons alive once again or not.

But due to mounting anger and sympathetic sentiments broke out in the community following series of attacks, generally they refuse the demands and march into streets, chanting anti central and federal governments and security forces, but ultimately sigh in pain because their non-violent and peaceful protests even come under attacks.

Around twenty people have been killed just within six days from Monday to Saturday. On Monday, April 9, four assailants on motorbikes shot dead and killed six shoe makers and injured three others. Just three days after the incident, four shop keepers were shot, three were killed and one injured in a very crowded area at the heart of city, Kandahar-e-Bazar.

On Friday, April 13, assailants tried to attack Shia shop keepers but due to brave and courageous watchman's move, they could not fulfill their nasty operation but shot dead the watchman. On Saturday, April 14, assailants on motorbikes attacked two Hazaras taxis in Spin Road and shot dead eight people and injured few others. Drawing a graph, it can be understood that the frequency of the recent attacks is unprecedented.

Getting out of the house has become a nightmare for the community. The city has become the worst place for it.
Last year, when 25 Hazaras pilgrims bound to Iran were singled out from the rest of passengers in Mastung near the border of Iran, brought down from the bus, lined up and open fires and killed all within just few minutes. Around five others were killed hours after when they went to escort the corpses.

The attacks followed by worldwide Hazaras' demonstration. The global pressure caused central government to ratchet up pressure against Blochistan federal government in order to hold due steps for the protection of the community. The situation for following months improved though target killings did not stop entirely.

But recently the situation has become much worse. It seems there is a plan for complete elimination of the community. They are targeted everywhere out of the above mentioned two Hazaras' locations. Yet there are no reports about the apprehension or detection of perpetrators. Sincerely, it looks completely unacceptable to accept that armed assailants, walk in the public, with no mask, open fires and assassinate civilians and then flee away like ghost or disappear without leaving trace behind.

Moreover, in the current massacre of Hazara community, security forces and common residents of the city are guilty alike. Wherever Hazaras were killed, hundreds of people from the rest of communities or ethnic groups were there, but reportedly no single individual has tried to do something just showing sympathy with aggrieved hazaras.

If they could not risk their lives, they could stage a single protest to show they hate terror and massacre too. If similar situation was on other communities, perhaps, it was really hard for Hazaras to sit quite and do nothing.