Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Wednesday, July 3rd, 2024

Kabul Grows in Insecurity

The rise of insecurity has begun to worry the Afghan citizens. On Sunday, 15-04-2012 Kabul, once again, started bleeding as 36 militants launched attacks on different parts of the country; Kabul, Nangarhar, Logar and Paktia provinces in which 8 Afghan forces, including 3 civilians died. The 18-hours of continuous firing from the offensive left 36 insurgents and 11 others dead. These were believed to be the biggest attacks since the insurgents had carried out attacks on the U.S. Embassy and NATO headquarters, as well as the truck bombing that wounded 77 American soldiers in Wardak province.

In this regard, Besmillah Mohammadi, the Afghan interior Minister in his statement after the firing was stopped said, one militant being arrested during attacks on Kabul has openly confessed that he was one of the Haqqani's loyal members. In addition, an Afghan intelligence official in his statement also added that the three other insurgents are detained for allegedly plotting to assassinate one of the nation's two vice presidents, "Karim Khalili".

Apart from Kabul, in the eastern capital of Paktia, Logar and Nangarhar provinces, Abdul Rahman Mangal, the deputy governor of Paktia province and Ghulam Sakhi Roogh Lawanay, the chief of police in Logar province said that our intelligence department confirmed that the Haqqani network were behind the attacks in Paktia province and that as per their mobile phones that we found show that they had contact outside of the border.

However, the responsibilities for the attacks were accepted by the Taliban as the Taliban spokesman Zabiullah Mujahid said that the attacks were planned for two months to indicate the NATO and Afghan government that we are still with power to challenge the Afghan government and NATO forces. Zabiullah Mujahid also told that "It is the end of the beginning for the spring operation; however, the real operation has not yet started and it is on its way to begin."

Maybe the Afghan forces are capable of following a good footprint of the U.S forces in Afghanistan in their operation but that is also true that the insurgents are still with good confidence to carry out further attacks in the future. The government and the international community should not consider Taliban the weak enemy.

However, such terrorist attacks would likely spoil the gain being acquired in the last ten years of huge devotions and affect the Peace and Reintegration process. According to Taliban's statement, this was response to the recent incidents of Bagram airbase and civilian casualties.

It is a matter of concern that the Taliban and Haqqani militants can still strike in well-guarded parts of the region. Afghanistan could possibly fall in the hand of the Taliban after 2014, once again. It might be factual that this time the Afghan forces did well, but not to ignore the fact that since the security responsibility of some parts of the region were transferred to the Afghan forces, the situation has gone worst and the people are extremely worried about their future.

Objectively speaking, the Taliban have been consistently talking about peace talks in the last couple of months. At the same time, they have several times stated that they don't need to hold peace talks with the government. As per their fragile promises, they don't believe in peace talks. The only use peace talks to re-group and emerge even stronger. Their claim for peace talks is only to regain the power and their losses once again.

What a common sense suggests, the terrorism must be rooted out and crushed completely before the initiatives are taken for the peace talks and withdrawal from the region. Such terrorist attacks would likely affect the state's stability process.

The investment in the country has already decreased, if the situation remains the same, this will grow worst. It is also believed that if the situation continues to go in the same way, people would be compelled to seek another migration into neighboring countries. The current situation in the country suggests that the Taliban would come back to power with worst termination. The political leaders are busy on baiting terrorists to win majority for their votes.