Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Wednesday, July 3rd, 2024

When Future is at Stake

President Hamid Karzai has said that, despite all the criticisms of his policy towards the Taliban, he would continue to call the Taliban as his brothers. On Tuesday, April 17, 2012, the President addressed a ceremony that marked the 150th Birth Anniversary of Allama Mahmoud Tarzi.

In that conference, Mr. Karzai stated he would not stop calling the Talib "brothers", saying "Some criticize me in the Afghan government and media for saying the Taliban are brothers, but I won't give up." The remarks came a day after the Taliban carried out coordinated and organized attacks in the capital as well as in several other provinces of Afghanistan, such as Nangarhar, Paktia and Logar.

The Taliban called it as an indication of their yet to be officially announced spring offensive. They have also stated that the attacks were intended to revenge Afghans' bloodshed by an American soldier in Panjwayi district as well as the burning of holy Quran in Bagram airbase. In response to this rationale, President Karzai has said that the Taliban announced that they carried out the attack to revenge Afghans' blood in Panjwayi and burning of holy Quran.

This is an excellent slogan. Whoever hears this message bursts into emotions to say that I have to revenge Afghans' blood and burning of Quran. But who were actually harmed by this slogan they chanted against foreigners? Afghanistan and Islam! President Karzai also said, "You (Taliban) did nothing for Islam, you did not work for Afghanistan's independence and you did not work for its people, freedom and development.

You worked to prolong a foreign presence, you gave foreigners an excuse to stay." Afghanistan is going through a critical situation but unfortunately President Karzai is not taking a step to launch a national dialogue and debate against the terrorists who, in his own words, continue to harm Islam and Afghanistan.

Instead, he without any rational justification says that, as mentioned above, "Some criticize me in the Afghan government and media for saying the Taliban are brothers, but I won't give up." Without providing explanation that could satisfy public opinion, this insistence on appeasement policy will lead to further political fragmentation among different ethnic groups as well as to the breakdown of public trust in the government because it is the people that continue to suffer in the hands of lunatic fringes and terrorists. This is just a childish insistence when people get killed and more importantly when the future is at stake.