Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Wednesday, July 3rd, 2024

An Imprudent Leadership at the Core of Failure

Over the last ten years, Afghanistan has been hosting international community and forces in the fight against terrorists. Elimination of terrorists from Afghanistan and region could benefit Afghanistan, region and international community. But unfortunately this has not happened as yet. Afghanistan has been bearing the brunt of militancy, extremism and terrorism in the region.

Over the last ten years, we had four major actors at play in the war in Afghanistan: 1) the Taliban and their allied terrorists and militants mainly from Pakistan and Arab world, 2) international community led by the United States of America, 3) Afghan leadership, and 4) the neighboring countries, in particular Pakistan and Iran.

They all pursue their own interests while apparently pretending to be committed to eliminating terrorists from Afghanistan and helping it become a stable and prosperous modern state. Unfortunately, these interests remained conflicting.

The neighboring countries never wanted to help Afghanistan get rid of militants; instead they continued to support them in one way or another. International community did not want or were not able to put pressure on the regional sponsors of the Taliban and other terrorists to stop funding, supporting and training those lunatic fringes.

Afghan leadership, in particular President Hamid Karzai was not able to define rational policies towards the neighbors and international community. They had the most erratic political and diplomatic behavior towards both the neighbors and the international community that were here to help the country stabilize and reconstruct itself.

So both the neighbors and elements in the international community could easily pass time with president Karzai while pursuing their own interests. In an interview with CNN, On Saturday, April 21, 2012, President Karzai said, "The war on terrorism has not been conducted satisfactorily from the point of view of Afghanistan.

The sanctuaries were not addressed, the training grounds were not addressed. And as I have been saying, the war on terrorism was not and is not in the Afghan villages or by causing harm to the Afghan people. Therefore, on that account, there has been a failure in providing security to Afghanistan or in keeping the Afghan hearts and minds in a matter that would satisfy Afghans."

The fact is that president Karzai can never pass the responsibility for his lack of prudence and seriousness in dealing with the Taliban and other insurgents. He has been calling the terrorists that have been coming to kill people and destroy the country.

This confused international forces who wanted to fight the terrorists based on their own tactics. In the meanwhile, he ran a corrupt government, played internal political game to fragment the country politically, remained inefficient to deliver services to the people.

He had all the support from the international community to win the hearts and minds of Afghan people but he could not. Due to his personal interests, he is also alienating international allies of Afghanistan. So, one can bravely say that an imprudent Afghan leadership has been at the core of failure in the fight against terrorists.