Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Wednesday, July 3rd, 2024

Economic Ties to Serve Political Purposes

Outshined by insecurity and violence, the region is in dire need of boosting economic relations. Security and stability hit the top of regional agenda for inter governmental cooperation. Several MoUs are signed, treaties are developed and plans are designed to ensure long term stability in south Asian countries, including Afghanistan, with no changes still in sight. An overview of annals of the regional ties and politico-economic relations show that strengthening low politics has served as an unswerving dynamic for improving high politics.

Boosting economic and cultural ties among nations can bring about more political integration. Regional alliances and trade ties are sometimes aimed at decreasing political tensions and put off rivalries. The increasing economic relations and regional trade conventions have led to more interconnectedness and global and regional interdependence.

The countries with more shared economic interests have given up most of political contentions. This is actually the increasing joint economic interests that form governments' political approaches at regional and global stages.

Theorists are progressively emphasizing at creating productive politics via building more economic relations. While post conflict countries are urged to focus more on low politics to build promising high politics. Economic means would better help declining violence, tensions and enmities because of economic essence of certain conflicts.

Afghanistan, as one of the most corrupt and war-plagued countries, have tried various ways to push forward reconstruction and peace building processes, most of which has led to total futility. Therefore, the government is urged to focus on productive economic plans rather than old mechanisms to overcome the exhausting challenges on the way to build a developed, secure and democrat Afghanistan. Afghan and international experts have asserted that regional economic schemes can help dwindle political rivalries and promote better understanding and more peaceful and cooperative approaches.

On the eve of international forces' withdrawal and with declining aid levels, the government is advised to increase infrastructural revenues by investing on natural resources and boosting economic and trade ties. TAPI gas pipeline project is a big regional economic agreement the government pushes to put into operation.

Government officials are hopeful to gain political achievements through the TAPI, in addition to its economic revenues. A statement, published on website of Afghan Ministry of Mines, said, "Transit fees of TAPI was agreed in principle on 16 April 2012 at a meeting between the high rank officials from Afghanistan, Pakistan and India in Islamabad." "The project will have a significant beneficial impact on revenue generation in Afghanistan. Early estimates show that Afghanistan stands to gain circa US 400 million dollars per annum at the beginning of this project", the statement added.

As an alternative to Iran-Pak-India gas pipe line, the project is supported by US administration to help Afghanistan and Pakistan improve their economic status and thus overcome the security challenge. However, the project falls short to address the long standing economic troubles in the two neighboring countries. Experts and politicians hope the project can lead to further political convergence between Pakistan and India and improve the overall regional stability.