Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Wednesday, July 3rd, 2024

The Government’s Hysteric Reactions to Much-Needed Reforms

On Sunday, April 22, 2014, Afghanistan National Front (ANF) and a US congressional delegation in a joint statement called for fundamental changes before the complete withdrawal of foreign forces from Afghanistan. This fundamental change is meant to be establishment of parliamentary system to substitute the current centralized presidential system.

Talking about the return of the Taliban to power, the head of the Congressional delegation, Republican senator from Texas Louie Gohmert, said "We will not tolerate the Taliban arising again and the heretical violence with which they treat women and children and people who may disagree with them. That cannot stand.And if the people of Afghanistan make that clear, America will always stand with you in that fight."

Meeting of this delegation with ANF leaders once again produced reactions on the part of Afghan government. The spokesman for Ministry of Foreign Affairs has said that the comments made by the delegation are considered interferences in internal affairs of Afghanistan. ANF spokesman, Faizullah Zaki, has said that the reactions by the government show that it has lost its self-confidence.

He also stated that "the fact is that the government is opposed to any discussion and debate. The government is not willing to see people participate in sovereignty by electing the governors and mayors, while the people are fed up with authoritarian and irresponsive governments."

Also in January the Afghan Ministry of Foreign Affairs criticized the meeting of US congress delegation with influential opposition leaders in Berlin as interferences in Afghanistan's domestic affairs. But ANF leaders have shown over the past months that they have launched a debate and movement to save Afghanistan from the dangers of internal despotism and autocracy as well as protect it from the takeover of lunatic fringes and terrorists.

There is a growing realization by the international community that a centralized power structure and a dysfunctional electoral law in Afghanistan prevent accommodation of the interests of Afghan people and their participation in government and decision-making processes. They have voiced their support for both changing the presidential system and reforming the electoral processes.

The fact is that Afghan government under president Karzai's leadership is one of the most corrupt regimes in the world. It is extremely inefficient, and unable to deliver services to its citizens. It should also be said that president Karzai is now acting hysterically to react to any criticism of corruption in his government and the inefficiency that stems mainly from a centralized power structure.

This is because he now understands that international community is not going to leave Afghanistan to authoritarian and autocratic clique and is working with major political parties and groups to pave the way for public participation in decision-making processes and to make them the genuine rulers.