Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Wednesday, July 3rd, 2024

Negotiation Process: The Best Option for Taliban

It will take Afghanistan long to recoup its infrastructure, security and economy. A country ruined by decades of war cannot be reconstructed over nights. It is difficult for Afghanistan to turn peaceful in a short span of time, as conflict still continues. Taliban are daydreaming of regaining power by overthrowing the government once the NATO troops withdraw.

For turning their dream into a reality, they have called upon the Islamic countries and Muslims around the world to donate funds so that they can meet the growing needs of their anti-Afghan government and anti-West operations in Afghanistan.

Taliban and the Haqqani network have intensified their spring assaults that have resulted in the deaths of scores of innocent people. But to all the violence they spread, the people of Afghanistan have responded by urging them to halt terrorism and stop killing their own countrymen. The reconciliation process launched by Afghan government and backed by the international community seems to be the best opportunity for Taliban. The more time they will take to resist and kill, more hatred will expand against them in the hearts of Afghans.

On Sunday April 22, 2012, General Abdul Rashid Dostum who intensively fought Taliban for years by leading the political party called 'Junbish e Milli' has softened its stance for Taliban and Haqqani Network. Speaking in a conference attended by leaders of Afghanistan National Front (ANF) and a team from the US Congress, Dostum said the he would welcome Mullah Omar and Sirajuddin Haqqani with flowers, if they stopped violence and laid down their weapons.

"I ask all parties involved in the conflict, including Mullah Omar and Haqqani, to join the peace process and stop killing their brothers and destroying Afghanistan," he said. At the same time, he warned that if the Taliban would try to retake power by continuing to practice violence, the people of Afghanistan would resist and defend their homeland.

From the notions expressed by Gen. Dostum, one can easily realize that Afghans would never want Taliban to govern them. In post 2014 Afghanistan, the people would support their army and police, if Taliban tried to rule them once again. The best option that remains for Taliban is to wholeheartedly accept the invitation of reconciliation and negotiation.