Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Wednesday, July 3rd, 2024

A Victory that Turned Pale

Yesterday, April 27, 2012 was marked as Mujahidin's victory day in Afghanistan. Mujahideen's Victory Day is a political holiday observed in Afghanistan, falling on the 27 or 28 April each year. It commemorates the day when the Afghan Mujahidin overthrew the socialist government in Afghanistan in 1992. The celebration comes at times when Afghanistan is still undergoing the ill impacts left by the civil war that not only destructed this whole country but also paved the way for Taliban to take over Afghanistan.

During the Mujahidin, Afghanistan experienced deadliest conflicts that took lives of thousands of man, women and children and caused millions of Afghans to migrate to neighboring and other countries of the world. The bloody internal dispute among the different groups stirred by foreign countries swept away the significance of the sacrifices Afghans gave in blood and treasure against the USSR invasion.

As a result of continues failure of Mujahidin to form a concrete government, the Taliban were able to take over Kabul in 1996. With that, another dark chapter began in the history of Afghanistan. The Taliban massacred thousands of people, specifically, the religious and ethnic minorities in different parts of the country.

Although the Taliban's government was toppled in 2001 and with the support from international community significant developments have been made in democracy, freedom of expression, civil society, women rights, education and many other key areas, Afghanistan is still at the verge of civil war as the US-led NATO forces are set to withdraw by 2014.

The US and its allies have fought more than a decade of war against Taliban militants but security is still at its worst. What the West backed, Hamid Karzai's government admits today is that it has failed to secure the life of the people of Afghanistan.

Those who do not learn from their past mistakes are doomed to repeat them. It is the responsibility of the Afghan government not to let the past mistakes repeatedly especially in the process of peace talks with Taliban. Its priority should be bolstering trust and relationship with the international community. Afghan government also needs to address the trust deficit between it and the people.